Today I decided that a size two is for the toddler section; that there's no such thing as a good hair day; that my husband should limit his vocabulary to “I’m sorry, and you were right;” that I should charge the personalities that moved inside of me rent; that they should have told me about
Is it just me or do these things drive you crazy, too? When I can HEAR someone chew and pop their gum….Puh-leeeeze! Gum is supposed to be a secret between you and your mouth. Is it a new language or something? When you hold a door open for someone and they don’t say thank you; actual
Sorry! For you "A" type personalities that need a graph, I don’t have an Oxnard Homes For Sale graph for you; simply because I tend to provide information in a way that it works for me. It’s not that I can’t make a graph it’s just that when it comes down to this kind of information all I w
Is it a great time to buy an Oxnard Home? All real estate markets are local. There is no doubt that like many other areas the Oxnard real estate market has transitioned to a buyer's market. Buyers may have apprehension about buying out of concerns that if they continue to wait to make an
I'm the officially cool Qool Oxnard Real Estate Professional now that I have a QR code. They say it's the newest real estate rage but QR codes have been around for a while. I guess I just move in slow motion. There are several ways I'm going to use QR codes. 1. To market myself 2. To use the ne
I’m not a professional food reviewer; I’m happy to be an Oxnard Real Estate Professional in the Oxnard Beach and Marina area, but I know a good meal when I have one. And I certainly had one this past Saturday at Sugar Beets Restaurant and Bar in Downtown Oxnard. I’ve been to lots of restau
Oxnard Beach and Marina is one of the best secrets of the California Coast. Approximately sixty miles northwest of Los Angeles, located between Malibu and Santa Barbara, the Oxnard Beach and Marina area offers an envious lifestyle and climate. With twenty miles of un-crowded coastline, be
My husband is in the kitchen cooking. Actually, that's not news worthy. He cooks all the time. What would be more news worthy is if it were me in there doing it. Before we got married I made it very, very clear that if he expected a wife that would cook every day I would be a great disap