Chad Goetz's (accessoneinsurance) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Access One Insurance
With the mounting cost of everyday living, a person needs to be conscious of simple steps that can save money. Saving on insurance costs is one area that can save money every month. This savings can free up money for that new car or a much-needed vacation.Step 1Raise the deductible on the insuran...
With the economy in the state that it is, everyone is trying to save money. Did you know you could be overpaying on your auto insurance and not even know about it? Check out these common mistakes to see if you are overpaying: Mistake One: Choosing Your State's Minimum Requirements as Your Coverag...
Has your business's business insurance policy been collecting dust over the years? If so, now is a great time to review your coverage and make sure you're being properly protected. It's important to know that there are various types of business liability insurance for every type of business, each...
Most of the time, your average renter is going to be a college kid, newlyweds, or singles. Most of this group isn't going to have tons of money to spend, which is why renters insurance tends to be so affordable. An average renters insurance policy goes a long way, and costs roughly $20 a month. R...
Especially in these hard difficult times, businesses owners must protect their assets from business theft. Every dollar counts.  Studies show that up to 95% of companies experience business theft, but only 10% ever actually find out about it.  So many business owners think "It would never happen ...
It starts to rain, and you think nothing of it. It continues raining, steadily getting heavier. You think, "Hmm, what a downpour," but again, don't really think much of it.  Then you see water begin to pool a little around the edges of your house. You think, "I hope this rain doesn't do any damag...
Everyone is going green and trying to shift everything they do to be environmentally conscious, including what kind of car they drive. "Green" cars are becoming increasingly popular, with a huge rise in sales and popularity all over the U.S. However, auto insurance for "green" cars like Hybrids, ...
Did you know that commercial auto insurance isn't just for companies with big fleets of vehicles?  It can cover tiny businesses too, or even smaller things like delivering pizzas. You may want to consider a commercial auto policy if: You drive a semi, a dump truck, or a tow truck You deliver new...
Maybe you've been thinking about insuring your golf course, but you're not entirely sure what is covered. And what kinds of claims do people normally file? In this day and age, it could be anything. People will file lawsuits for very strange - and very relevant - reasons. It could be as silly as ...
Shopping for home insurance can be time-consuming and frustrating, because you’re not only looking for low prices; you’re looking for credible carriers, the adequate amount of coverage, and a policy that will cater to your location. We at Access One Insurance make it so easy. We do all that resea...

Chad Goetz

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