Well now..... our New Christianity and Real Estate Premiere Group Blog is up and resting at port right now...I am going to be setting ground rules for the Premiere Blog and the rules WILL BE ENFORCED..... This blog is given to us by an anonymous donor.... it's cost of $79.00 per month is tota
I have been wanting this man to become a Moderator for QUITE a while, just because I know personally of his gentle wisdom and mature way of talking to people. Bob and I go back quite a ways... we have talked on the phone several times and have prayed about various things going on in our lives a
Well, it seems it has only been a couple of days since I last announced we had a new Moderator at, "Christianity and Real Estate". After talking with her on the phone, this newest Moderator is a VERY busy lady!! I tried in vain to get in contact with her (she is busy like Jason Crouch is!)
Well, "Christianity and Real Estate" just keeps on growing, thanks to the love, prayers and Messiah-like qualities of our membership! I am proud to announce a NEW Moderator for the group! Lola Audu !!! I have been praying and watching posts from the membership over the past several