Alice C. Wilson's (alicecwilson) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - VirtualExec-Assist
Saw this one a few days ago.  It's really helpful.  Plan to investigate just about all of them.  Another top notch tip from Brad.  Thanks so much. The Top 50 Google Tools for Business This compilation is for all of you out there who use Google for searching and SEO, but may not be aware of all th...
Great idea to feature the folks who work real hard to write original articles to make our lives easier.  Thanks Brad.Today we launched a new button on ActiveRain.  The "Suggest Feature" button.   With the volume of great content and fantastic Blog posts being submitted daily from our RainMakers, ...
Thanks so much for the tips.  By now, most of you have heard about Facebook Pages and many of you have set up one or more for your real estate business or local communities. I noticed that most real estate Facebook Pages however have very little content and low number of Fans. Our RealBird Facebo...
Looks like a great opportunity to power up your business.  ActiveRain University - How to Use Video and Youtube to Enhance Your Blog and Business How are you using Video in Real Estate and on your ActiveRain Blog? Are you creating or using Video Listings, Virtual Property and Community tours?  Do...
Susan Brown's "Walking Plates to Success" is a definite read.  She gives good, down-to-earth examples of her methods to reach  goals.  After you check out her tips, then look at her real-life "walking plates".  Walking Plates to Success Goals Outline Execution One child I know told me she was goi...
Active Rain draft review class. Makes perfect sense to me.  Much simpler on everyone--especially Steve--to get great ideas about your posts.  Please read his article which includes instructions.Ever since I started teaching our members about blogging and SEO I have been overwhelmed by requests to...
Active Rain draft review class. Makes perfect sense to me.  Much simpler on everyone--especially Steve--to get great ideas about your posts.  Please read his article which includes instructions.Ever since I started teaching our members about blogging and SEO I have been overwhelmed by requests to...
A few good words from Lou Ludwig about being a leader.  Makes sense to me.  Thanks Lou.     Motivational Power Quote   Be a Leader in Your Field   It's is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers Warren Bennis and Bert Nanus, author's       As I s...
More great advice from Rebecca Levinson.  With competition being fierce today, you have to make the best first impression.  So the more you "touch-up'' your "internet presence" in the real estate market (or anywhere), the better chance you have of putting your business out there for others to not...
Great place to go in Lousville. One of the places you tell tourists about but is also an attraction where Greater Louisvillians can go too.  Very up-to-date with their exhibits. Didn't realize it was the main art museum in Kentucky.  But that makes sense--you don't hear about any other art museum...

Alice C. Wilson

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