John Villella's (allpro18) Blog

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Home Inspector - All Pro Home Inspection & Household Environmental Services, Ltd. - NYS Lic# 16000006356
WOW, another week is gone and another win for the Lockport Thunder U10 Boys.  The boys were unstoppable on Sunday and posted a 10 - 0 win.  My son finally scored his first goal of the season... remember he plays the majority of the game playing defense or in goal.  He was happy to get the goal, n...
"All things, even adversity, have their worthy purpose." ~ Jim Rohn  "It's easy to feel great when things are going well, but what you do when there is adversity defines who you truly are.  Don't run from it... meet it head on and deal with it and prove why you are worthy to the challenge and why...
I had an interesting inspection today that revealed the usual things - some electrical cleanup needed in the basement, you know missing cover plates, loose wiring, a drip at a supply line and a leak found at the tub drain.  The usual stuff you would expect to find in a 78 year old home.   As I wa...
Sunday was a busy day for the Lockport Lightning and Thunder U10 girls and boys soccer teams. Let's start with the Lockport Lightning U10 girls. The Lightning advanced another game in the win column with as strong outing against the Niagara U10 girls.  Lockport posted a 5-0 win.  My daughter pick...
Are you thinking... "Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought." ~ Albert Szent-Gyorgi  "If you are willing to think outside the box and implement systems that others have not thought of or are not willing to try - YOU will be successful.  Times ...
Task:  Cleaning the refrigerator coils When was the last time you looked behind your refrigerator?  Well, it only takes 10 minutes to do so resulting in saving energy, money and good preventive maintenance for this appliance.  Do you know your refrigerator is one of the biggest users of electrici...
Are you in the helping mood...   "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." ~ Zig Ziglar   "Helping people - small or large, it doesn't matter... The fact that you helped is all that's important.  Start today and look for ways to help...
Good evening everyone, It's Sunday and those of you following - it's time to give an update on the Lockport Thunder U10 boys soccer team.  Today the boys played very well.  The Lockport Thunder U10 boys beat the Clarence Soccer Club U10 boys 9 - 0.  My son played goal the second half and made som...
Great news.  I've been using AR for two weeks now.  I enjoy sharing and commenting with everyone.  Best of all everyone has been very warm and helpful - Thank you.  I just checked google and found that using a curtain search phrase I'm now on page one in the 6th position.  I've been trying to get...
I had a new agent refer me the other day.  That's always a good thing - Right!  I reached out to the buyer and explained what would be provided to him and provided my fee for the inspection and we decided to schedule the inspection. I use an inspection scheduler and email conformations out to the...

John Villella

General Manager - All Pro Home Inspection
local_phone(716) 772-2548
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