It's something I've heard many times over the last 6 months or so from prospective home staging clients from around the Atlanta area: "We've decided to just to wait it out to see if the market gets any better." I suppose if you aren't in a dire need to sell your home then this wou
Networking is a key factor to owning a successful home staging business. While there are many opportunities to have repeat business, in a market like we have today, there's no guarantee that previous clients can be relied upon for subsequential business. That's where networking bec
Part of preparing to stage a house begins with decluttering. The homeowner must begin the process of moving, at this point, by packing up unnecessary items or unloading things they no longer need/want. Home stagers can guide homeowners through this process but ultimately it is the homeowner tha
I'm a Diva in some ways. Well, I try to be anyway. A smart diva knows how to save a penny or two here and there so she can spend them in on other things. Even if you're not a diva, but you like to save money when shopping or dining out, you have to check out this site! Coupon Divas Our economy
About a month ago I received the most wonderful voicemail message from a prospective home staging client in Alpharetta, for whom I did a free estimate for about 6 months prior. It was for an occupied home and she was looking to start preparing to list the house this fall. Let me ba
As a home stager, I get the benefit of working with many different people in all different kinds of circumstances. Sometimes they are the empty nesters looking to downsize or move closer to the family who's spread their wings and left the nest. Sometimes they are the people that move sideways..
With special thanks to Annette Burnett of Sellers Advantage Home Staging in John's Creek, GA for making the connection, the Metro Atlanta chapter of ASHSR met on September 24 for it's monthly meeting at Liberty Oriental Rugs in Norcross, GA. {l to r: Kathy Lockwood, Jea
September 11, 2001...a day in history, with today being the 7th anniversary, that none of us will ever forget. Nor should we. It's funny, whenever I meet people for the first time they typically will ask "Where are you from?" within about 5 minutes. I guess my good ole New York accent is hard t
Yes, you are an expert. What ever field you are in, you are an expert. Well, you have to be an expert at something, right? Think of something that you do really well. There you are an expert! I'm an expert at a lot of things: Folding jeans perfectly (hey, I was visual manager for GUE
When I'm called upon to conduct a home staging consultation, it's typically for an occupied resale in the northern suburbs of Atlanta. The homeowners often just want professional guidance: to be told where to begin, what to do and what not to do. As I take my notes, I include everything that s