Sure anyone can have a newsletter but to be truly effective you need to consider if you have the time to plan out its content, produce it and maintain it AND provide one that has relevant content that will have your readers saying "I can't wait for the next newsletter." Here are six areas for y...
Time - Who has time? I'm always in search of great tools that are not only affordable, but help me to use my time wisely. This latest tool falls into both these categories. This tool is ideal if you're someone that needs to schedule and manage your busy calendar but it allows you to have it d...
Real estate marketing starts with great services and often small ideas that can be made into big ideas. Review the list below and ask yourself do I have a "marketing" part to my day? Am I doing all I can to assist my clients and grow my business? (I hope your answer will be yes!) I hope you w...
Creativity can often be an asset that is overlooked when you need to accomplish something but don't want a big expenditure. In challenging times, much like what we are currently faced with, our businesses require creative solutions. We all work very hard doing the jobs we all do - do we really...
Marketing collateral is a collection of marketing communication pieces used as part of your overall marketing strategy. It can include: brochures, direct mail pieces, flyers, and all communication pieces that you create to help you present information about you and your services. A key thing t...
As I mentioned in my last post,, I promised to come back and share with you some great sites to post your listings and services to increase the potential for consumers to f...
With the millions of searches that occur each day on the internet, how are you ensuring that those searches could result in a prospective customer for your business? It's no secret, consumers use at least one of the major search engines - Google, MSN and Yahoo - when they sign onto the internet ...
We all realize that growing our business is about building relationships. We also realize that establishing a balance of offline and online presence is critical to that growth. We've all read many of these great blog posts that talk about the latest tools available to us whether it’s a place to ...
Have you ever been wrong? It’s safe to say that we all like being right but what if we’re wrong? The funny truth about being wrong is often we learn amazing lessons when we make mistakes. So why then are we afraid of admitting them? Perhaps we take our past experiences and remember a time when...
There's a word you will hear when you visit Fiji "bu-la" which means hello, welcome, cheers or good health. I read this story about a woman who was visiting Fiji and as she passed people in the little town to go to a local store she was greeted with a nod, a smile and the phrase "bu-la". She...