Sellers, in most areas, it's a buyer's market. No matter how great your home is, there are others on the market that buyers will see. Although you may have a hot commodity, the existance of other competing homes will complicate your selling. Here's how to sell in a buyer's market: Look at the ...
by Alyse Sands, Broker, GRI, ePRO, REALTOR(R) Although the economy has made selling and buying homes more of a challenge, buyers still have ways to purchase a home without having much cash in the bank. If you're aware of your options, perhaps the following information can help you to figure out ...
I'm aware that I keep bringing this up but time is running out and, besides losing the tax credit, there are other reasons to buy NOW! For any buyers still sitting on the fence thinking about buying a home, they should consider the following three reasons why they should get into contract before ...
I meant to have this out here earlier but, at least it's out! Here's part 2 of "Misconceptions About Real Estate Agents". Unless you’ve walked in the shoes of a Real Estate Agent, you may think that what they do is an easy way to make a lot of money. If you think this, you’re mistaken. Here ...
This weekend, Nashville, TN was snowed in. Since the winters are usually mild with an average of 3 snows a year, and, of those, one may stick for a day or two, we were surprised to get 5". Residents think they can drive in it...but they're really just lucky if they can make it from point A to p...
From time to time, I encounter or read comments from the public regarding their concept of Real Estate agents and how they earn their living. I was thinking about it today so I decided to compile some of these misnomers and address them in today's blog. I came up with a lot of them so I've split ...
Rates have gone from under 5% within the past couple of weeks to over 5% (for those with good credit scores). When rates are in the 4s, buyers want that rate. They don't lock it in and then they ask for it when the rate is no longer available. Then they say, "I should have...". It's underst...
Due to current market conditions manifesting a large volume of distressed properties, the existing policy of not allowing financing for flipped properties has been revised. Legitimate property flipping transactions are now eligible to be financed by Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (primary residence ...
It's Official: More Homebuyers Qualify for Tax Credit Today, November 6, 2009, President Obama signed an expanded version of the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit that was set to expire on November 30, 2009. The new version of the tax credit goes into effect on November 7, 2009 and has the ...
I'm a professional, single woman. I depend on my real estate income to pay my surprise because we all have to make a living. Some people have a partner with a second income. Not me. I worked my way through school, I had a career in advertising some time ago and I've been working fu...