I just love the new ad campaign that launched May 7th 2007 for Michigan. I thought having Tim Allen (a Michigan native and TV / Movie personality) do the voice commercials was a great idea. Doesn't his voice have such a calming tone as he describes our great state. He boasts about golfing, hik
It's a sad day in Linden Michigan. Friday May 18, 2007 an early evening fire destoryed a block long building. The building was known as the Union Block Merchantie Building. We mostly knew it as Broad street. The name of the restuarant that was on the corner. It was the heart of town. The bui
Hey Swartz Creek meet me by the Veterans Memorial Park by the Post Office on Fortino Drive on May 31, 2007 at 1:30pm and be part of the Good Morning America show. Let's get out there for our shout out and kick off our Hometown Days festival! Thanks so much Raul Alvarez from Finanacial Plu