One thing everyone in this country can agree on is that we have serious problems, needing serious solutions. We are Americans, we can handle just about anything, and it's about time we demanded an effort from ourselves and our politicians leaders. Every one one of them needs to make the hard deci...
Ideas to save energy, save money and save the planet! Saving/conserving energy should be a priority for anyone with the responsibility of paying utility bills. That just makes good economic sense. However, everyone who eats, drinks, walks, talks and breathes should also think about the energy we ...
My Kindergarten Story - NOT!!! In his post announcing this contest, Charles Beull theorizes that none of us are too old to have not gone to kindergarten! I have to disagree. I grew up in a wonderful working class neighborhood in what today is known as Lower Northeast Philadelphia. Ours was a v...
Rebekah Radice provides some great insights on why we should blog on Active Rain. Take a look and stop by Rebekah's blog to make a comment. If you need some inspiration and encouragement, it's here! I had the privilege of speaking at a Mortgage Technology Summit in Denver, CO last week about the ...
Water damage can be a huge problem for many homeowners. Tom has provided some great information. Pleae stop by his blog and leave a comment. How much is it going to cost to repair the water damage in my home? As Dry Rot and Water Damage Repair Contractor I hear this all the time. I wish I had a ...
Tom Artsingstall has wriiten a great post about preparing and painting nicotine stained walls. This is a problem many of us face with sellers and landlords. Take a look! Before painting surfaces that are stained from nicotine smoke, some prep work is highly recommended. To paint over surfaces wi...
Reblogging this post from yesterday in case anyone missed it. Active Rain has introduced Social Integration and this will allow all of us to raise the bar, saving time and effiort.Our team has been hard at work developing a painless way to syndicate your content and stay connected. May I introdu...
Matt Robinson has written a great post on tools to help you pick the right paint color. If you have ever stood in the paint store and wondered how they match and coordinate colors, then this site is for you. Matt has also provided the info for other paint companies' similar tools. Take a look, g...
Bryan has written a great new post about the new social media buttons on Active Rain. I applaud Active rain for always working to make our blogging easier, more efficient and more effective. Thanks Bryan for a great post.You asked for them and you got 'em! Now the power of social media is fully ...
Bryan has written a great new post about the new social media buttons on Active Rain. I applaud Active rain for always working to make our blogging easier, more efficient and more effective. Thanks Bryan for a great post.You asked for them and you got 'em! Now the power of social media is fully ...