If you're an originator and haven't read The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, by Gary Keller and Dave Jenks, you're missing out on a great way to market to REALTORs. The cornerstone of the MREA plan is database management. The authors advise agents to "touch" their "met" database 33 times in a tw
Admit it. You’ve wondered if there was a lot of fat in title policies, didn’t you? I mean, how many claims does a title company REALLY get in this “nobody trusts anyone” market? We order a title commitment and the title company: performs a detailed search of the property’s chain-of-title mitig
I mentioned yesterday that we needed an Experienced Loan Processor and submitted an advertisement on Craigs List. It was really quite a bargain at $50 (I advertised in two categories). I was quite pleased with the results. We had five people submit their resume and four of them actually called
We're slammed so that's a good thing. If any of the folks on Active Rain know candidiates for an experienced Loan Processor position, we're hiring one (maybe two) of them. Our purchase business volume spiked and my wife Debra is taking off for the summer, as of June 10. She'll come back after
An excerpt from an article I wrote on industry site Top of Mind: Today, mortgage brokers are frustrated. Recently, one floated the idea that NAMB had their lunch handed to them (and subsequently recanted), by a Congressional Committee, debating H.R. 1728. Facts proved that nothing could be farth
Can real estate agents benefit from Facebook Quizzes? I think so and the good folks who attended the BloodhoundBlog Unchained Online Marketing Conference helped me realize this. Facebook Quizzes have often been considered the frivolous indulgence of the bored. Witness Karen Parsons-Fiddler's ob
I'll be on Tim and Julie Harris' show tomorrow Hello, This is a reminder for you to attend tomorrows Superstar Interview. Tomorrows Featured Superstar Is: Brian Brady “Americas #1 Mortgage Broker” Here is the information for your schedule: ?EVENT: Super Star Interview DATE & TIME: Friday, April
Underwriters look at three things: READ: The Three C's Of Underwriting Approvals Credit Reputation Credit Score Foreclosures, bankruptcies, liens and/or judgments Mortgage delinquencies Credit delinquencies, repossessions, collections, or charge-offs Credit accounts: type, age, limits, usage an
Here's Mark Victor Hansen on a "Seminar at Sea", sponsored by iLearningGlobal faculty member, Bob Proctor. In this presentation, Hansen discusses Roger Hamilton's Eight Styles of Entrepreneurship: Creator- Bill Gates Star- Martha Stewart Supporter- Steve Ballmer Dealmaker- Donald Trump Trader-Ge