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Real Estate Broker/Owner - USA Realty,Inc. - KY44798
Real Estate in London, Ky. Farms, Residential, Commerical, Everyday, In the life of a REALTOR(r) Helping Buyers to find their Dream Home, and giving Sellers a Full Professional Service, making the sale of their home a Pleasant experience. CRS GRI
tMaking the Best of the Current Pandemic!! Ive been in Real Estate since 1992 and I have owned my own building since 1995!! So I decided to sell my building move my office Home. Best decision that I have made in awhile, Loving it !!!Most Buyers and Sellers in our Area never come to the Office, Li...
I am so Humbled and honored to be chosen Realtor of the Year for Kentucky Realtors!!!What am honor Beyond words, Never in my wildest dreams would I dare to Dream that I would be given such an Great Award by my fellow Realtors!!!There are so many others more derserving than myself!!  All I can say...
Kentucky Housing Market Update 2018 Even with the decline, total home sales were the second highest ever for the month, reaching 5,057, versus 5,395 in May 2016. Year-to-date, homes sales are down 2 percent with only 410 more homes sold across Kentucky in the first 5 months of 2016 than this year...
Looking for a Place that is Private, close to Laurel Lake, and lots of room for entertaining!!! This may be exactly what you are looking For!!
 Great time at Keenland for the Races.  This was RPAC fund raiser for the Ky Associate of Realtors.Great food and  Wonderful Friends!!                                                             
Here goes, I am trying to get back into Blogging but I don’t want to do it just to say I blog !!I would like to have posts that are of worth or that make somebody smile.As I read Activerain most everyday, There are a lot of Great Post out there with so much knowledge but most of it is geared to L...
Celebrating New Year with Family at Belterra Casino in Florence, INWhat a great time celebrating 1980's and you never know who you might run into!!!Happy New Year to ALL and May God bless you with a Great 2017!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! 
 For 30 years + Every December The Eastern Star,  join with the McKee Masonic Lodge to visit the residents of Carnaby Square Apts Assisted living.  We serve them Cake, Punch, and fruit bags.  Then we sing all join in and sing Christmas Carols !! Great fun day for all!!Thank you Peggy Jo Kirby ,Ge...
  IT’S WHAT’S FOR LUNCH!!  Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin Robbins are open for business!! This new business is located on Hwy 192 By-Pass In London, Ky.  According to WYMT News they will employ approximately 20 Full time jobs and 30 temporary jobs We Went through the drive through today they were very...
This was a first for me!!! First Vacation without my Husband of 17 Years but I enjoyed the time away and my Grandsons!!If you have never lost a Spouse you will never know the pain we that are left behind endure.  Simple things like having someone to share morning coffee with, someone to say good ...

Barbara Flannery

"Homes for Everyone In London Kentucky"
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