There's still 2 days left as Hot Air Balloons Rise Over Baton Rouge Louisiana in the Annual Pennington Balloon Championships! You don't want to miss them this year! THOSE MAGNIFICANT MEN IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES!! That title from a famous slapstick movie reminds me to what links man goes to con...
This is the last week to cast your vote for the best new technology. When I considered the great, supportive community of real estate professionals in all aspects of the business, the wealth of knowledge, the great pictures, and the local information provided to people in communities all across ...
The U.S. Women's team has excited groups around the United States with the sport of soccer. You may want to check out local opportunities to give your children and grandchildren the opportunity to try out the sport of soccer. But they are too young, they are just toddlers! That's just the righ...
Try BREC tennis activites in Baton Rouge, LA, for kids on Easter Break Are you 2 days into Easter break and your children are bored already? Try finishing the last 3 days at Highland Road tennis center. Worried that preschoolers are too young? No worry. They specialize in young students w...
Baton Rouge is alive and growing. This is just one of the many activities for residents to enjoy. The great weather is conducive to outdoor entertainment. It's easy to get to. Next to the river you can walk to other attractions like the USS Kid or Science Museum. It’s back! “Live at Five” is...
It's time to bake that Easter Bunny Cake for this weekend. My boys loved it when they were growing up! This year I'm going yellow cake with chocolate icing. You can use any compination of cake and icing that your family loves: I'm going to continue the tradition for my 2 grandsons this year, a...
The Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra is having a spicial event, April 28th, "One Perfect Night, Two Perfect Voices' featuring Denyce Graves and Salvatore Licitra. The Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra is thrilled to present the 11th Irene W. and C. B. Pennington Foundation Great Performers in Concert ...
One of the most unique Baton Rouge Area Homes is haunted, or so some say. It dates to 1796 and is in St. Francis-ville, just north of Baton Rouge. It is an antebellum home on the National Registry of Homes, named The Myrtles Plantation. I visited and stayed the night, but didn't get visited by ...
This week I discovered a simple tip to use Outlook Flags. I have been using Outook now for about 5 years. I receive about 500 emails a day from 4 web-based email servers. Early on I set up folders for auto-sorting routine broadcasts like newsletters sos I can scan at leisure. I got comfortable...
By now many of you have heard on the morning news that Elizabeth Taylor died last night at the age of 79. I was saddened by this news even though I did not know her personally. However, like many U.S.Americans and even many in England and other countries, I felt like I knew her from so many tv ...