Beth's Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Rosemont Financial Inc
Alright agents talk to me, let me hear it; do not hold back…what do you want out of your broker?  Do you want better training?  Do you want a better advertising system?  Do you want the broker to be there for you???    I have been a broker owner for about five years now, I still feel like I am m...
As a Realtor do you attend any of the training that your board has to offer?  Or do you expect your office manager to attend all the training and get you the information?  Today the Women’s Counsel of Realtors hosted and event, the person in charge of California Association of Realtors legal dep...
Today I had a purchase that almost fell apart.    A single lady went to buy a home.  She has a good score 750+, 5% down, and 4 months payments in the bank.  This seemed like a dream transaction right? Wrong, the buyer’s father wanted to help his daughter out, so he deposited have of the down pay...
It seems that there has been a lot of talk about discount brokers around the Active Rain.  I am not a supporter of discounting my commission, because I work hard for it.  I also am not a supported of the talk that has been going on about discount brokers.    Instead of acting like it’s us agains...
. Today in Long Beach California and fellow ActiveRain member and I participate in the Avon Breast Cancer Mock Walk.  We walked 8 miles to raise awareness about the Avon Breast Walk, and to get people out there walking.  Long Beach is one of the most beautiful cities you could walk in.    Inga, ...
I have never met or spoken to a stager.  I do see the value in staging and am thinking about working it into my presentation.  When I interview a stager what are good questions to ask?  How or can a stager fit into short sales.  If you have any guidance I would be grateful.  Thanks in advance.
In Simi Valley California we are truly blessed to have the Ronald Reagan Library.  The Reagan Library will take you back to life as we knew it when Reagan was our president.  From the pictures on the walls, to the replica of the oval office, you will even get to see a piece of the wall.    Ronal...
Simi Valley is having a Town Hall Meeting, on April 27,2007 at 6:30 P.M.  The meeting will be an open forum discussion regarding the Arroyo Simi.  We will learn about the long term plans on the Arroyo, and learn more about our city.  This meeting will be at City Hall, so please come by.   This i...
Simi Valley Street Fair is coming!!   This May 12 and every year the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce puts on a Street Fair, with over 250 booths and activities for all age levels, this is an event you do not want to miss. It is also a great time to get out and meet our firefighters, police and s...
  So today I found myself at the market with two of my children ages 5 &12, I must admit that I was not looking my best.  Fleece pullover, sneakers jogging pants….you know that look.  Then it happened I saw another agent, looking nice, who was talking a person and handing him his card.    It daw...

Beth Bastian

Simi Valley Real Estate
smartphone(805) 857-0484
Contact The Author
A place where I talk about all that is real estate, from selling homes to refinancing them.