Should a Seller Disclose if They Believe Their House is Haunted? Interestingly, this actually appeared in a case Stambovsky v Ackley which was brought before the New York Supreme Court in 1990 and later overturned by the Supreme Court Appellate division in 1991. Facts of the case were that the se
The price of homes in the Bay Area rose 25% or more in the last year. So how does one cope with the rising tide of home values? For that, we offer you a new way of looking at the circumstances. When gas prices shot up close to $5.00 per gallon a few years back, a friend of mine was waxing on abou
Where did all of the listing go? Where's the inventory? That's a common question today as eager home buyers are wondering if they'll ever get a house. As we said in an earlier post, it's not that there aren't enough homes coming on the market, it's that they all sell, and so it appears there are
Looking at the home sales in Belmont during the first quarter, one can see from this spreadsheet that every seller who listed their home received over their asking price. They were only a few exceptions. One was a home that was a short sale which we took out of the mix since those list prices are
Once again Belmont home sales were strong. Now that we are comparing a bull year in 2013 to 2012, another bull year, the increases seem a bit watered down since in both years thus far home sales have been strong. SALES At 22 home sales in Belmont this March, we tied last year’s impressive increa
Belmont Homes Sales for 2012 – Profile of a Home Sold By now everyone has heard that the Peninsula housing market picked up last year but as is often the case, the devil is in the details. What really went on? Most people, including real estate agents, are under the misimpression that there were
Thank you to all of our clients in 2012 who helped make this past year one of our best on record! Getting the numbers out for December is always the hardest of the year. With the New Year upon us, the beginning of January is filled with reflection into the past year’s activity. We analyze where o
Belmont’s November housing market for 2012 shaped up like this: SALES Belmont home sales were down year-over-year in November of 2012 ending a nine month run of increased sales over last year. Through November, while there have been 17 more new listings than last year there has also been 49 more
Today, November 27th 2012 Case-Shiller released its home price index results through September of 2012 and for the past eight straight months it has slowly but steadily increased. Are we bouncing along the bottom or is the housing recovery in full swing? Of course it depends which housing market
To Have or Forgo Contingencies When Buying a Home So, contingencies, yes--well as agents, we love them because they help insulate us from future lawsuits. But as a buyer, they can cost you money and they will most certainly cost you a home or two in a competitive market. Here's why. Faced with a