Drew & Christine Morgan-June 2008 Market Update MorganHomes.com (650) 508-1441 dmorgan@morganhomes.com About us Home Find A Home Find an Open House What's My Home Worth? Our Blog Read how to interpret these market reports and more at BeautifulMountainBlog.org We've had a lot of requests for
It’s official. We’ve had a month of colder than usual weather interrupted only by a four day stint of hotter than usual days in the middle of May. Being one of best months for warm weather, May sure was a disappointment. And now June, notorious for windy conditions is upon us and it’s living up t
On the Bay Area Peninsula, the housing values have remained fairly stable with low foreclosure rates and local job growth. But there are still relatively good deals to be had. One needs only to venture north to the upper end of the Peninsula--cities like San Bruno, South San Francisco and Daly Ci
While reports of drastic median price drops continue in the media, isolated areas which are less impacted receive little or no attention. At some point the news should be about areas that are not impacted-why are prices holding up so well when other areas are suffering the greatest set back in ye
May home sales statistics for Belmont are in and while there are no real surprises, that may be the best news yet. ↑At 17, there were four fewer Belmont home sales in May than April. Year over year (adjusted for seasonal selling patterns) there is no change over 2007. In 2006 there were 21 sales
It hit me today that posting from my PDA would make good use of otherwise wasted downtime. Belmont's host to a few casual dining spots. Marvin Gardens has been one of my favorite haunts since I was in college. Locally famous for its Starvin Marvin hamburger--a 1/3rd pound burger on a artisian sof
It’s pretty exciting this time of year. Don’t you just love coming home to a full answering machine with voice mail messages from your representatives in government? I don’t know about you, but I feel pretty darn important when Bill Clinton calls and asks me to vote for his wife; or it’s Arnold S
This home in Daly City is the best deal we saw this week. It's a short sale and the bank is willing to let it go for $500,000. It worth more than that, though it does need some fixing up. Last I heard there were four offers being submitted. MIDWAY AV, Daly City 94015 (Daly City)$500,000 Bed
We thought this home was the best deal this week. It's in a great area of the Belmont hills on the west side. Carmelita is known for having a warm micro-climate. For $699,000 this price is hard to beat. It has a larger than normal rear yard which is level--a rare find in the Belmont hills. Call u
A week ago I posted a blog complaining about the relentless wind in Belmont over the past several weeks. This week we are enjoying record high temperatures not seen since 1970. Personally, I love the warm temperatures and slight breezes we get that take the edge off the heat. May 14th we had high