SALES Home sales in Belmont held their own as 25 homes sold in the month of June. Last month as you may recall 34 homes sold, the most in as many months. In June of 2009 20 homes sold and last year there wasn't a looming deadline to close escrow for a tax credit. (click on the graphic for a ful
Missed out on the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit? You'll be glad to know you can still receive $8,000 when you buy your first home through us. How do we do it? Simple. If you buy a home through us between now and September 30th, 2010 we will credit you 1% of the purchase price up to $8,
What's the big brouhaha about yet another extension of the $8,000 tax credit for first time homebuyers? Senator Harry Reid wants home buyers to have until September 30, 2010 to close escrow and receive the $8,000 tax credit. But before you go out and celebrate, understand that the only buyers t
Ever meet a home buyer who was downright rude? I mean all you're doing is trying to meet these nice folks and they snub you like you're invisible. You know you're the best agent for the job but how do you convey that if people refuse to give you the time of day? Hello-can we at least get some eye
There's a lot of misinformation about the federal and California state tax credits which expire soon. This short article from the California Association of Realtors sums up the unique opportunity to qualify for the federal and state tax credit and get up to $18,000 in rebates. But don't believe u
Before the Super Bowl XLIV gets started we thought we’d take a look at what happened in Belmont in January 2010. We’re including two spreadsheets—one for this last January and to help put in perspective, the one from last January. Most statistics across the country point to January of 2009 as the
With the real estate landscape changing almost daily it’s admittedly hard for Real Estate Agents and Lenders to keep up with all of the new programs and limitations. Recently, you may have heard on the news or read in the media about the $8,000 tax credit extension for first-time homebuyers. B
What happened in 2009 and what might be in store for 2010? THE PAST The median price in San Mateo County ended the year at $678,750 which is a dramatic drop from 2008’s year-end median price of $795,000. It continued to drop precipitously throughout the beginning of 2009, though it appears that J
We thought we'd update this graph depicting the median price in several peninsula cities. Note that while in Q4 of 2007 the median price in Menlo Park was still rising, it had started to fall off dramatically in Daly City. Prices appear to have hit bottom--for now. The real estate landscape has
We’re posting the sales for Belmont from back in July at the insistence of one of our readers (thanks for being so patient). We skipped that month since we were so busy ourselves. Quite a few buyers came out of the woodwork in July and we noticed it on one of our listings in San Carlos that had m