Belmont's Best Deal of the Week-September 2nd 2008. This home just popped out at us as being one of the best deals we've seen in awhile. I'm a little skeptical about the reported square footage but it's still a good deal. Once in the home the upper level flows out to the rear yard and it's all l
We just got this off of Inman news: Coldwell Banker released the result of a survey they did of over 150 brokers and affordability was the prime concern of first time homebuyers-why they didn't ask buyers instead of brokers is beyond me. So here are the results (condensed) •· 81% of first
What’s going on in Belmont over the Labor Day weekend? The Greek Festival! Be sure and stop by the Greek Festival held every year on the grounds of the Greek Orthodox Church at the corner of Ralston Ave. and Alameda de las Pulgas. Over 15,000 people are expected to attend over the three days of f
Housing reform and what it could mean for you. In our three part series on the housing reform bill we discuss three major changes that could impact your decision to buy, sell or refinance your home. Part 1 Listen to this short introduction in the player or subscribe to the full Podcast Download h
Launching the latest and greatest real estate search engine seems to be the new dot com venture. It feels like every time I turn around Inman News is sending me a list of newly launched search engines targeted at the eyes of would-be home shoppers. The latest email alert on August 8th was an art
We’ve updated the list of various Belmont neighborhood associations Download belmont_neighborhood_associations.pdf with an interactive map. Open the PDF file and click on the neighborhood association name in your neighborhood to jump to their web page. The Neighborhood associations below are non-
Anyone trying to understand the wild fluctuations in Belmont's median home price need look no further than this chart. We've tracked the median home price in Belmont over the last year-ever since the mortgage crises. What we were looking for was the impact it would have on home values. We sure we
Since the mortgage catastrophe one year ago came to light the media has been reporting month over month data revealing falling prices and sales. Seasonal adjustments were impossible since that would necessitate comparing data to the same period a year prior—hardly comparing apples to apples sinc
The month’s supply of homes is a great indicator of whether it’s a seller’s or buyer’s market, and how bullish the market is in general. This barometer is calculated by dividing the number of homes available for sale by the number of sales per month. We’ve tried to smooth out monthly anomalies by
Buyers are often confronted with how they should go about bidding on a particular home Understandably, many buyers want to under bid to insure they are getting a good deal. But what if the home is already a good deal? What if they home is already below market value? The answer to determining valu