I am taking a risk putting the word 'accounting' in the subject line. I predict this will decrease the open and click rate on this blog because most agents are AFRAID of Accounting and HATE Accounting. At Best Agent Business, we love accounting, we love QuickBooks, and we can do your accounting
You probably have far more people to add to your Core than you realize. At Best Agent Business, clients often start with 500 people. After a month of database management and cleanup, they have 800 people. Every single person is worth at least $100/year when you add them to your Core. Spend the t
I will focus on core marketing to clients, SOI, and vendors with a monthly email newsletter, monthly mailing, and quarterly calling. Your most profitable business is repeat and referral business from your core database of clients, SOI, and vendors. A Billion Dollar Agent spends the least amount
How was business for March? Watch Video Now - Short 2 Minutes Subscribe to our YouTube videos HERE. Leverage Other People's Listings Agent Recruiting Busy Spring/Summer - Staff Up Now I encourage you to consider staffing up now with in-house or our team to handle spring/summer business. Every ye
Business Size with Assistants and Callers – How Big? If you focus on your unique talent and spend four hours a day meeting, two hours calling, and two hours on other tasks, how many deals could you be doing per year? Let’s assume you have enough assistant help to handle the volume of deals, list
As you grow, you will naturally focus more time and energy on seller leads and start to drop or ignore buyer leads if you don’t have goodcallers or a lead management system. Here is how it happens: 1. Future Business - If they are not a Buyer-A, you ignore them and you don’t have anyone else th
What Not to Do Be very careful about hiring friends, family, or friends of friends. Are you going to be comfortable FIRING that person if they fail to perform? If you can’t easily FIRE them, you should never hire them. Be very careful about hiring other real estate agents as assistants. If they
Callers – Green As your business grows, you will quickly get to the point where you are not able to keep up with all the calling hours needed to call your seller leads, buyer leads as well as your clients/SOI/vendors. You will need more calling hours for your business. It does not matter if you
My last blog talked about Step One to becoming a Billion Dollar Agent, and now I’d like to continue on with Step 2: Listing Management, Closing Management, and Accounting - Your solid database management system will help you streamline listing and closing management. * Listing Management - You
Database Management - Your database is the most valuable asset of your business. If you do not understand or believe this, you can stop reading this and go watch Netflix or surf the web. After working with many agents during the first few years, we made a decision to only work with agents who un