Finally closed today on the albatros. we all began to believe that this closing would never happen. It was difficult and bitter to the very end. But, we got 'er done! We'll be talking about this one for a long time. I'll go into further detail another time, when I have more time. It's one you c
See, here we go again. It'a been a few days since I blogged. I guess it's going to take some time to get in the habit of daily blogging. better blogging than flogging. anyway..........after being on the phone all day sunday trying to save a $65,000 deal, and didn't. This being the place I drove a
I have to admit I'm surprised to know that people are actually reading some of my blogs. With all the blogging going on I am actually being heard. It's nice to touch base with people from all over the country. Keep up the good work. No matter what happens to the economy, people are always going t
Since blogging is the way to go, and I used to keep a diary as a young teenager, I'm pretty sure I should be able to keep up with this thing. I will invite all my cronies to join. I believe in collective cognition, so let's share all you out there. And, please, keep up the positive thinking. I al
Ok, so much for regular blogging. I can't believe it' been so long since my last blog. Yes, I've been busy, but it's not even "busy" yet. So, my guess is that the writing will get even more infrequent. So far, 2008 is turning out to be a strange year. A little trivia: the next time Easter will b
Still trying to get the gist and hand of this thing called BLOG. Keep up and adapt or get out of the race. So here goes. My first year I consider a success. I sold over $1,000,000 in real estate ( which doesn't take much anymore), but it sounds good and is a morale booster. I sold 10 sides in 8 m