Today the Arizona Republic reported on a new plan under Making Home Affordable that will help homeowners facing a Scottsdale or Phoenix Foreclosure. Under this plan, homeowners in Arizona could get up to 1 YEAR to Short-Sell their home instead of just handing it back to the bank through a forecl
Wow, this is huge news! Keep reading to learn more..... In a move that the NAR has been lobbying for and is sure to brings smiles to all first time home buyers, The FHA today announced that it would begin allowing its lenders to let first time home buyers use the $8000 tax credit as a down payme
If you are a Buyer or Investor, times couldn't be better to buy a North Phoenix Foreclosure or Short Sale! We have done extensive research in the Scottsdale and North Phoenix Foreclosure and Short Sale Market, and have come up with two zip codes with the following numbers for April/2009: Zip Cod
If you are a Buyer or Investor, times couldn't be better to buy a North Phoenix Foreclosure or Short Sale! We have done extensive research in the Scottsdale and North Phoenix Foreclosure and Short Sale Market, and have come up with two zip codes with the following numbers for April/2009: Zip Cod