Do you spend time wishing things were different or do you accept things the way they really are? Acceptance is such an important habit, some have called it "the first law of personal growth." Acceptance is simply seeing something the way it is and saying, "That's the way it really is." Acceptance
Are you like so many people today, pushing and shoving your way through life trying to achieve some sort of success but aren’t sure what success looks like? Do you tear through each day, each week, and each month without any idea where you are going, without a plan for your life, personally or pr
Are you off and running pursuing your goals and objectives for March? In my role as personal coach I have had the opportunity to observe many top producers, actually spending entire days with them while they worked. I have also tagged along with quite a few underachievers. I noticed that many top
Are you like so many people today, pushing and shoving your way through life trying to achieve some sort of success but aren’t sure what success looks like? Do you tear through each day, each week, and each month without any idea where you are going, without a plan for your life, personally or p
What are you afraid of? We all have our fears in life. But the biggest fear for most people seems to be the fear of failing. Life's challenges can stir up these negative thoughts that will start to attack our mind and cause us to think about our only 2 choices, fight or flight. When this moment i
As we finish one month and begin a new one it's a good time to follow some advice from Zig Ziglar and give yourself a "check-up from the neck up". Are you really determined to reach your goals and objectives or is goal setting just a wish list for you? Determination is what turns the ordinary ag
6:30AM EST and I am just starting another incredible, action filled day. We are so lucky to be in the real estate business. Have you heard the news? The market is moving in a positive direction and the buyers and sellers are out in force looking for someone to help them buy or sell real estate. W
Always do what you always did? Always get what you always got! Are you an agent of change? Life events often force re-birth, a re-evaluation of ourselves and the way we see and do things. In order for things to get better, we must continually practice the art of change; train ourselves to seek a
Winners never quit and quitters never win! No truer words have ever been spoken. Too often I find people giving up right before they were about to experience success in their endeavors. What about you? Do you refuse to quit and instead commit whatever resources are necessary to reach your goals?
First of March is coming fast. The end of March will mark the end of our first quarter for 2012. Make sure your goals are set, your strategies are created and your action steps are complete. If you were a product, how would you market yourself? Would you be high-priced or marked down? Would y