Real Estate Coaching & Training

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Education & Training - Bill Fields Learning Systems
Tips and techniques to help real estate professionals make more money in less time and enjoy their life more.
Is your day today going to be filled with problems or opportunities? As long as we live, everybody goes through challenges; some people call these challenges problems. If we think we have problems and that we will fail because of them, we are right. As long as we visualize life's challenges as bi...
Time is your most important asset, do you value it? One day a little boy greeted his father as he returned from work, with a timid voice and idolizing eyes, he asked his father, "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?" Greatly surprised, but giving his boy a glaring look, the father said, "Look, so...
Today I am supposed to be speaking to a group of real estate professionals in Champagne, IL, but for only the third time in twenty years I am going to miss a program. Bad weather in Tampa delayed the flights and prevented me from being able to make the connecting flight. Nothing anybody could do....
Do you more things to do today than time to do them? You can't use "not enough time" as an excuse for not getting the things done you need to do. Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more time. Sc...
Good Monday Morning All Stars, Outside my window, a new day I see, And only I can determine What kind of day it will be. It can be busy and sunny, laughing and gay, Or boring and cold, unhappy and gray. My own state of mind is the determining key, For I am only the person I let myself be. I can b...
If you had only one day to do anything you wanted, what would that be??  Sing; Even if people have told you, 'never sing,' you'll want to sing. Jump; Feel your strength surge from the tops of your legs to the tips of your toes. Love; Tell everybody you love that you love them.  Live; Life is for ...
What are you waiting for? One of the best tips I ever received from my coach was. "Take immediate action". Even though thoughts, ideas and imagination are very powerful, you can get nothing by just thinking, idealizing or imagining; you must also take action. Action is the bridge between your ide...
Are you living up to your true potential or making excuses why you aren’t?   In my role as a personal coach I have had the opportunity to observe many top producers, and quite a few underachievers. I noticed that many top producers tended to act differently than underachievers in a few particular...
If you are like me you are filled with pride and a renewed sense of what is possible. You wake up with motivation and energry to attack your day and turn your dreams into reality. Here's a group of Olympiads you might have missed. Have a happy and productive day.BF
Are you willing to pay the price for your success? Action is the bridge between your ideas and their accomplishment. You have to seriously commit to yourself to pay the price, whatever it is. You can do whatever you want only if you believe you can. You can do whatever you set your mind to and yo...

Bill Fields

local_phone(727) 341-1962
smartphone(727) 458-7640
Contact The Author

Author Bio: Author, entrepreneur, educator, motivator and cancer survivor, Bill Fields is one of those rare individuals who actually does what he talks about and he has the resume to prove it.