Real Estate Coaching & Training

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Education & Training - Bill Fields Learning Systems
Tips and techniques to help real estate professionals make more money in less time and enjoy their life more.
Do you feel you have more to do than you have time to do it? Wouldn't it be nice if each day we could work on only our highest-priority activities? By end of each week, we'd finish all our key projects! But unexpected-yet-important distractions inevitably get in the way. Try one, some, or all of ...
Do you consider yourself a “go getter”? Andrew Carnegie once said, "There are two types of people who never amount to anything. There are those who never do anything except what they are told to do. And those who don’t even do what they are told to do. The people who get ahead do the things that ...
Are you determined to reach your goals and objectives? Determination is what turns the ordinary agent into the extraordinary sales professional. I remember when I was first starting out and I asked a top agent in my office how many calls he would make to a For Sale by Owner before giving up. He t...
You Get Strength from Adversity A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far ...
Are you wasting time with suspects while you’re real buyer prospects are going unattended? Recent statistics show an alarming trend of real estate agents who are converting less than 20% of their appointments with “buyers” into closed transactions. That’s only one out of every five opportunities!...
If you were a product, how would you market yourself? Would you be high-priced or marked down? Would you advertise yourself as the "best" or the "best alternative"? The "fastest" or the "longest lasting"? The "most convenient" or the "most exclusive"? These are not idle questions. If you were int...
Are you like billions of other people around the world watching the Olympics? Even if you are not a sports fan you have to appreciate what it means to be a champion. The best of the best. But winning a medal is not just about how these athletes perform on their event day. It's about all the years...
Do you think Twitter and Facebook are ruining the Olympics? I love Twitter. I love Facebook. And of course, like most Americans I love the Olympic Games. For fans that share in those passions, London 2012 should be the perfect storm. Arguably the first real-time Olympics, this summer’s event is a...
How good is your customer service? Do your clients and customers rave about your service? Do they send you referrals on a regular basis? In principal, creating “knock your socks off” customer service is pretty simple: Make sure you know what your customer wants and expects of you; be flexible in ...
Haven’t the Olympics been spectacular so far? Just watching them fills us all with a sense of excitement and pride. Amongst the outstanding athletes competing is Dana Vollmer who won the gold medal in the 100M individual butterfly. What makes this so amazing is four years ago she didn’t even make...

Bill Fields

local_phone(727) 341-1962
smartphone(727) 458-7640
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Author Bio: Author, entrepreneur, educator, motivator and cancer survivor, Bill Fields is one of those rare individuals who actually does what he talks about and he has the resume to prove it.