Real Estate Coaching & Training

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Education & Training - Bill Fields Learning Systems
Tips and techniques to help real estate professionals make more money in less time and enjoy their life more.
Are you familiar with the term 'Carpe Diem'? That little Latin phrase means simply, Seize the Day! Poets of old had a view of life that was different than that of everybody else. Instead of slogging through each day as if it were a miserable thing to be alive, poets saw then, and still do today, ...
In my real estate training courses I frequently ask the agents if they know the right qualifications and characteristics an entrepreneur must have to succeed? Does your profile match that of a successful entrepreneur? Consider these 10 important traits and values that are common among successful ...
Do you find yourself butting your head against the wall of success? Are you caught in a revolving door going around and around? When you look at where you are in your business, do you think you should be further ahead? The real estate market is providing incredible opportunities for you to grow y...
Can you measure your desire? When asked during an interview how he managed to reach the top as a professional bodybuilder and Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger replied with a single word, "Drive!" All great success ultimately begins with an idea, but what makes ideas become reality is the fu...
Are you feeling burnt out, stressed out, rundown or tired? Does your life seem out of balance or out of control? Do you feel frustrated with too much to do and not enough time for your family or you? Do you find yourself procrastinating and putting off important items? Are you less satisfied with...
One of the lessons I try to share in my real estate training with newer or struggling agents is to model the behaviors of those agents in their market that have achieved the success they desire. What are the ten most important habits that have helped America's most successful real estate professi...
STOP PROCRASTINATING! Overcoming procrastination is the first step in helping you achieve the goals you desire. You must change the habits and behaviors that lead you to procrastinate in the first place. IF you are putting something off because you are focusing on the difficulty of a large task, ...
Do you need a plan to get buyers off the fence and under contract? In our real estate training course “Please Buy from Me or Stop Wasting My Time” we offer 10 steps for getting your buyers moving. 1. Demonstrate the cost of waiting to buy. Don’t just tell buyers they can save money buying today, ...
Are you achieving the success you desire in your real estate business? Success in our business is NOT achieved accidentally. It is a systematic, deliberate process of deciding where you want your business to go, what you will do when you get it there, and what the steps are to get you where you w...
Are you looking in the right place for success? Infinite riches are all around you if you will open your eyes and look to find the potential available to you. Most people that are unhappy and unsuccessful are that way because they are not looking within themselves, they are to busy looking for so...

Bill Fields

local_phone(727) 341-1962
smartphone(727) 458-7640
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Author Bio: Author, entrepreneur, educator, motivator and cancer survivor, Bill Fields is one of those rare individuals who actually does what he talks about and he has the resume to prove it.