Jason LaVanture's (bluelavamedia) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - www.BlueLaVaMedia.com
Louisville, Kentucky August 11, 2010— Powerhouse Tours, a provider Louisville, Kentucky virtual tours and property marketing services is proud to announce the addition of High Definition Slideshows to its line-up of online property marketing tools.. The addition of HD Slideshows to Powerhouse's s...
Are you currently using the RTV TxT Connect System? Have you been thinking about offering a mobile marketing system for your property marketing company? Please join us on August 24th at 7:00 Eastern as John and Brian from Txt2Look.com roll out their new mobile Realtor websites to the RTV dealer n...
After reviewing Jason Lavanture’s Formula webinar on exposure package I felt that I could offer a few areas where my fellow virtual tour providers could increase their productivity and lower their cost of operation in the area of managing customers and delivery of features in their virtual tours....
DragonFly 360, an Alburquerque Virtual Tour Company Announces High Definition Slide Show Service Albuquerque, NM August 10, 2010 - DragonFly 360 Imaging , a producer of Albuquerque Virtual Tours as well as property marketing services  is proud to announce the addition of High Definition Slide Sho...
When I first started up BlueLaVaMedia, a TC virtual tour company, I was always hearing from my customers and prospects, "I saw you in the paper." or "I heard your ad." If you're not hearing people say this about your company, or have not heard this in quite some time, you need to change that. In...
Traverse City, MI August 4, 2010 — BlueLaVaMedia, a provider of Traverse City virtual tours and property marketing services is proud to announce the addition of High Definition Slideshows to its line-up of online property marketing tools. The addition of HD Slideshows to BlueLaVaMedia’s current s...
The RTV HD Slideshow module is first in class. It is built using the very latest flash based engine, it loads at impressively timely speeds, and displays full screen HD images with grace and elegance. With the ever growing demand for professional photography the need to have those photos display...
How hard is it to actually rise in rank for virtual tour services within your state, county and/or city.  Not very.  We have been signed up for a not quite a year with Active Rain as a rainmaker but it is only these past couple of months that we are actually starting to make a difference in our r...
360imagemedia.com, producer of Wisconsin Virtual Tours, is pleased to announce the launch of our new High Definition Slideshow. This thing is truly an unbelievable new product that you must see to believe. 360 Image Media, and our partners at Real Tour Vision, have really knocked this one out of ...
Your bottom line that is! AlamoAreaVirtualTours.com  knows that advertising can be expensive for us small virtual tour businesses. We all agree on that.  That is one reason for social networking as we find that opens doors that even advertising won’t open. However, if you have forgotten, we as RT...

Jason LaVanture

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