The information in this residential market report was pulled directly from Southern Indiana Realtors Association. These stats do not include For Sale By Owners and all percentages have been rounded off.From 1/1/05 to 12/31/05 - 201 Homes Sold - Ave. Price $103,036 - Ave. Days On Market was 112Fr...
Some good blogs have been written lately that talk about relationships we have with our fellow agents in the office. Randy Prothero talks about all the benefits of helping new agents. I couldn't agree with him more. I a firm believer of "what goes around comes around". The help you give anyon...
Browsing through articles today of our local newspaper, The Courier Journal, I found an article Think Before You Delete. The article discusses some new federal rules that will require businesses to come up with policies to maintain and keep track of electronic documents, including email. The art...
I don't know how much of a chance I'll have to post the next couple of days so I wanted to tell everyone to have a safe and Happy New Year.2006 has been great. I learned many, many new things. One of the best being ActiveRain. I've met so many nice people and read some really great blogs. Peo...
For those that don't know, I'm still fairly new to the real estate business(2 yrs). I strive to learn something new everyday and think this site is great for that exact thing. I had a situation happen that wanted to discuss and hopefully get some feedback on.Yesterday I was browsing through som...
I wrote a blog Dealing With Clients Who Have No Urgency a couple weeks ago that discussed how to deal with people that have a hard time making decisions. Well today I'd like to expand on that a little and talk about the benefits of educating them.As the other blog said, people will not do anythi...
I remember when I was a little boy how excited I would get at Christmas time. My Mom has always made this a BIG holiday for our family. It's a tradition that was passed down from her Mom. My Mom and her sisters' packages could be showcased in any department store with their beautiful wrappings...
Hello to all my new found friends from ActiveRain. I've been tagged by Ginger & Roger Sala. I've had a really good time reading everyone's MEMEs. This was a great idea for letting people get to know each other and Become Involved in the ActiveRain Community.So here goes. Five things about me:...
Today in the office I was talking with another agent. She was telling me about a problem that had arisen with one of her listings.She had listed a country home with acreage a little while back. She went to the courthouse and pulled the data card which showed that the property had eight acres. ...
This is for all the people that want to post but don't know what to post. Maybe you don't feel strongly about your writing skills. The only way to get better is to get in there and do it.Maybe you think of something, but someone already said it. You don't want to repeat anyone so you don't wri...