USPAP Q&A Making a Series of ErrorsQuestion:A reviewer told me that my real property appraisal did not comply with USPAP because I made several minor calculation and analytical errors. Does USPAP address this issue?Response:Yes. Standards Rule 1-1(c) addresses when small errors affect the credibi...
On December 18, 2007, the Federal Reserve Board released its long-awaited proposed regulation to prevent unfair or deceptive practices in the mortgage markets by all lenders, not just those with federal deposit insurance. The Fed is proposing two sets of requirements. One would apply to "higher-p...
Sweeping Appraisal Legislation Incorporated into Broader Mortgage Reform Bill, Passes House On November 15, 2007, the House passed H.R. 3915 the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act. The provisions of H.R. 3837 the Escrow, Appraisal and Mortgage Services Improvement Act (EAMSIA) were in...
"NAHB's housing forecast (incorporating critical policy assumptions) shows systematic improvements in home sales by the second quarter of 2008, improvement in housing starts by the third quarter, maintenance of low levels of manufactured home shipments throughout 2008, and modest declines in the ...
The federal financial institution regulatory agencies and the Conference of State Banking Supervisors issued a statement and supplement encouraging institutions and their subsidiaries that service mortgage loans to pursue strategies to mitigate losses while preserving affordable, sustainable mort...
The Library's renovation and expansion project is moving ahead with the new design that should be developed by the end of 2007. Construction will begin sometime in the summer of 2008. The new children's phase will allow the library to meet the needs of Rockdale's children, teens and growing num...
Eastminster School is an independent school promoting excellence in academics. They opened for the 2007/2008 school year with students from kindergarten through sixth grade. The campus is located on Lenox Rd and is a generous donation of a 50 acre piece of property in which construction for the...