Equity is a position directly related to perceived value in a specific time. Those who had equity 2 or 3 years ago may now have none. If the appraiser values it for more than the sale price then the lender will have perceived equity; as the appraisal is specifically for the lender in a specific...
The short sale process includes many steps that are not in traditional sales. If you are considering a short sale you will need to contact financial, tax and legal professionals for qualified advice. A real estate agent with short sale experience is typically preferable as well. As the seller,...
One and a half story home on a basement in an airpark community. The home is located on three private acres with a personal hanger. 40' x 50' hanger includes office and new door. The paved runway and taxi way are convenient and your hanger will allow usage of your plane at a moments notice, witho...
The reports are quite lengthy but very interesting. Take a few minutes and read part of a selection that most interests you. The valuation piece was enlightening. For Immediate Release Contact: Corinne Russell (202)414-6921, Stefanie Mullin (202) 414-6376 October 30, 2009 WASHINGTON, DC - Ac...
Energy efficiency is beneficial for you as cost and comfort. Owning your home is about you and your family; your needs and preferences. You want to enjoy your home and get the most bang for your buck in doing so. Energy efficient items will help you save in cost, you'll feel the comfort and w...
Are you currently renting? Are you interested in building some equity? Do you want to work toward ownership for the same monthly payment as renting? This 2 bedroom condo is a perfect opportunity. Landscaping, exterior maintenance, pest control and more are taken care of by the association. C...
Fabulous two stories, split foyer design, bamboo flooring and two story foyer welcome any visitor. Open living room with fireplace leads to breakfast area. This area exits to upper level deck and opens to the gourmet kitchen. Cabinetry and storage fill this kitchen which showecases granite counte...
The Rockdale Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) was created to help slow the decline of neighborhoods where housing values and conditions are deteriorating due to the presence of foreclosed homes. Program Overview: To address the foreclosure problem, the NSP will purchase vacant foreclosed...
The text book definition of neighborhood is a district or locality characterized by similar or compatible land uses. Neighborhoods are often identified by a place name and have boundaries composed of major streets, barriers, or abrupt changes in land use. Examples: Residential neighborhoods ar...
As with all industries, real estate professionals have developed a lingo and acronyms to help them communicate with each other more easily. For the first-time homebuyer (and even some veterans), making sense of property listings can sometimes leave you feeling like you're deciphering the DaVinci ...