Bob 's Blog

Real Estate Sales Representative - A1 Connection Realty, Inc.
Did anyone think it possible? After all the planning and millions of dollars spent to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago, the bid would be tossed aside at the onset? After all, Michelle Obama and Oprah sacrificed ( taxpayers money? ) to go...
It's a pretty sad day when a government funded agency is so willing to use our tax dollars frivolous.  But, this is beyond frivolous!,2933,548827,00.html,2933,549241,00.html Where is the outrage?  Where is the media?  Why are we not ...
Unemployment rates are at 26 yr highs.  Unfortunately for teens (16-19), the rate is the highest it's ever been since 1948 when they started keeping track.  Let's hope times get better soon. I started working (as a dishwash...
I just love Maxine, and when I get emails with her comics in them, I always end up in stiches.  This latest one is no exception.  "BAIL EM OUT! ????Hell, back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed a...
I received this in an email this morning from one of my buyers.  He's a 82yr old Navy retiree.  Need I say more? I've  often been asked, 'What do you old folks do now that  you're retired?'    Well..I'm fortunate to  have a chemical engineering  background, and one of the thingsI enjoy most is  t...
I received this photo in an email entitled "If she hasn't she will".   I will say, that at first I wasn't too sure what the title meant, until I studied the photo more closely, and increased the size of it.  In the email, it was small and you really couldn't see the lion in the grass in the back...
 Living in a age restricted community, and dealing with the older generation quite often, this doesn't surprise me in the least. I received this from one of my buyers who I might add, are old enough to be my parents.  He always has a good joke for me when I visit, and she reminds me very much of...
I received this cute email from a friend and he asked if it reminded me much of my grandchildren. I had to laugh, because I could picture my youngest granddaughter doing this.  She's very smart.  Or, so she thinks. Enjoy! Undies  Little Susie goes home from school and tells her mum that the boys...
Too Funny Not To Share................................ I think we have all spoken to this guy at one time or another. I received this email the other day.  What really made it hit home is, I had just finished talking to our Brighthouse representative about a problem I was having with my DVR.  I ...
We get all kinds of emails in the Real Estate business.  Some funny, some sad.  Some are just downright amazing.  This was sent by a friend.  He joking questioned whether this was a new company in town. Do you detect a bit of friction in this neighborhood? Now a question for all Realtors. Do you ...

Bob Cumiskey

US Army Retired, Your Sun City Center, Florida ~ Realtor
local_phone(813) 633-2020
smartphone(813) 435-8843
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