Expired Listings, Real Estate Marketing, and the Zen of Success

Education & Training - Borino Productions
More leads, listings, and commissions... while having fun in the real estate business. About expired listings, open houses, marketing, communication, advertising and the zen of success.



Here is how to quickly break the ice, create a friendly vibe, and build a genuine connection and trust with your prospect when you meet for the first time: SMILE. Smile has incredible psychological and social power.Do a little exercise with me right now - seriously try it, don’t just read it, OK?...
Yoyo! You have a great month - bunch of listings and commmissions. YEEY! But then you get business and lead generation and prospecting goes on hold. The flow stops. Famine follows. And you have to start all over again. Here is a new video with a simple 4-step strategy that will help you stay prod...
I have the BEST excuses: "Too busy. Not enough time. All these distractions. Just can't get it all done."You ever feel like NOT working? NOT prospecting? Yeah. We ALL do. It's just being human. But sometimes you don't have a choice, and then what?Check out this new video and I'll show you three s...