
Why FHA’s Loans Out-Perform Fannie Mae’s: “Compare Ratios” Facilitating FHA and VA condominium approvals, I run into folks all of the time that are of the opinion that FHA borrowers are low-income borrowers.  They object to obtaining the approval with FHA so as not to allow these folks into their...
  Richard Weisser is a technologically-savvy real estate broker in Newnan, GA.  His blog is among my most favorite to read because his articles are entertaining, accruate, short and concise with a small helping of humor and attitude.  If you haven't checked him out, I highly recommend it. His art...
Southington Connecticut Condo Sales As part of my marketing efforts for FHA condo project approvals, I work to compile data for condo sales in various towns in Connecticut.  I try to pick towns that have a lot of condominiums to provide comparison data between projects that are FHA approved condo...
Ken Harney Beats the FHA Condo Approval Drum…Again For the third time in 2 months, nationally-syndicated, award-winning Ken Harney, columnist for the Washington Post and regular contributor is once again Beating the Drum for FHA Condo Approvals. On April 8, he was kind enough to men...
An FHA Condo Approval Will Let in the “Riffraff”?  Um, No.I know that I have addressed this topic before and have presented evidence that FHA mortgages have a LOW default rate.  However, I have heard multiple times just in the past two weeks that an FHA Condo Approval Will Let the Riffraff into a...
FHA Lifetime Mortgage Insurance is Garbage First off, let me say that I understand the need for mortgage insurance.  Before the creation of mortgage insurance, lenders required a 20% down payment to lend money to purchase a home.   Were those standards still in place, the homeowners in America wo...
Memorial Day Ceremony – Somers CT I lived in Somers, CT, for 8 years.  My boys still go to school in the district because their mother remains in the town.  My younger guy, Zac, plays trumpet in the middle school band which was part of a Memorial Day Ceremony held in the high school auditorium th...
Middletown CT Condo Sales As part of my marketing efforts, I work to compile data for condo sales in various towns in Connecticut.  I try to pick towns that have a lot of condominiums to provide comparison data between projects that are FHA approved condos and those that are not. Middletown CT Co...
  Karen Feltman is a relocation specialist in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  I missed this article that she posted below a few months ago but caught it on a Winston Haverly reblog. I am no longer a real estate agent and have to admit that I hadn't thought about the points that Karen makes below.  The advic...
East Hartford Connecticut Condo Sales As part of my marketing efforts, I work to compile data for condominium sales in towns in Connecticut.  My intention is to use the data to demonstrate the positive effects of obtaining an FHA Condo Approval. I was surprised to find that there are only 23 cond...

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