What are HEX and RGB Colors? Most of us who have had HD-TVs with component cables, know that RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue. They are the primary colors of light and combinations of these colors can create every color known to us. The absence of these colors produces black and setting the h...
Gene Mundt is a mortgage lender in Chicago, IL. After 37 years in the business, you would be hard-pressed to find a more knowledgeable source of information related to the mortgage industry. He is also an avid blogger whom I highly suggest following. His content about everything related to mor...
Visit RSL Condo Team at the CAI New England Expo! Stop by Booth 63 at the annualCAI New England Expo on Saturday, September 13, 2014 to enter to win a new iPad from RSL Condo Team! Oh, and you can say “hi” to us too! The New England Chapter of the Community Associations Institute is a vital resou...
Royal Villas Condos in Newington CT - Now FHA Approved! We are pleased to announce the FHA Approval of Royal Villas Condominiums in Newington, CT. FHA loans may now be utilized to finance units in the community. Royal Villas brings the total to 12 condominiums that are FHA-approved in Newington...
This is Not Your Father’s FHA Loan The FHA loan program is in a process of constant evolution to remain competitive in the market, mitigate risk to its insurance fund and fill the niche role for which it was designed. The qualifying criteria for FHA loans have changed a great deal even since I ...
Combining Multiple Adobe Acrobat Files Into One Document A large part of what we do is electronically compile FHA condo approval files for submission to FHA. We collect required documents from various sources. Some send the files in portable document format (.pdf) and some are mailed and/or fax...
FHA Extends Temporary Condominium Approval Guidelines As expected, FHA extended the effective date of Mortgagee Letter 12-18 until August 31, 2016; the provisions in ML12-18 were due to expire on August 31, 2014. At 5:21AM on August 30, I received an email notification that FHA released Mortgagee...
We have all learned those technical terms in our Real Estate classes: environmental obsolescence, ingress/egress, riparian rights, etc. While we know what they mean (I mean, we passed the test, right?), we may not typically see them in the typical, everyday practice of the trade. Kathy Fuhriman ...
FHA’s “6-Month Window” for Condo Recertification This week I received a call from a property manager who was concerned that the 6-month window for recertification with FHA was quickly approaching. The condominium’s FHA approval expired on 3/21/14 and the manager and association were concerned th...
Critical FHA Condo Approval Requirements to Sunset 8/31/14Unless FHA releases a new Mortgagee Letter in the next few days, the temporary guidelines for condominium approvals created in Mortgagee Letter 12-18 will expire on August 31, 2014.The highlights of the 12-page document include: Clarificat...