This is the market information regarding Oviedo, located in Seminole County Florida. To date there are currently 8 bank owned homes for sale in Oviedo Florida and there are also 112 short sale opportunities in Oviedo. Considering there are 112 out of the total 409 properties for sale in Oviedo Fl
This is the most recent market information for Waterford Lakes Real Estate. Waterford Lakes is located in East Orange County and part of unincorporated Orlando Florida. To date there are currently 3 bank owned homes for sale in Waterford Lakes and there are also 53 short sale opportunities in Wat
This is the market information for Avalon Park Real Estate, located in East Orlando Florida. To date there are currently 13 bank owned homes for sale in Avalon Park and there are also 116 short sale opportunities in Avalon Park. Considering there are 116 out of the total 219 properties for sale i
This is the market information regarding Eastwood, a community located in East Orlando composed of 2021 single-family homes, located in Orange County Florida. To date there are currently 2 bank owned homes for sale within the Eastwood Community and there are also 14 short sale opportunities in Ea
This is the market information regarding Oviedo, located in Seminole County Florida. To date there are currently 9 bank owned homes for sale in Oviedo Florida and there are also 106 short sale opportunities in Oviedo. Considering there are 106 out of the total 422 properties for sale in Oviedo Fl
This is the most recent market information for Waterford Lakes Real Estate. Waterford Lakes is located in East Orange County and part of unincorporated Orlando Florida. To date there are currently 5 bank owned homes for sale in Waterford Lakes and there are also 53 short sale opportunities in Wat
This is the market information for Avalon Park Real Estate, located in East Orlando Florida. To date there are currently 11 bank owned homes for sale in Avalon Park and there are also 116 short sale opportunities in Avalon Park. Considering there are 116 out of the total 217 properties for sale i
This is the market information regarding Eastwood, a community located in East Orlando composed of 2021 single-family homes, located in Orange County Florida. To date there are currently 1 bank owned homes for sale within the Eastwood Community and there are also 13 short sale opportunities in Ea
This is the market information regarding Oviedo, located in Seminole County Florida. To date there are currently 12 bank owned homes for sale in Oviedo Florida and there are also 113 short sale opportunities in Oviedo. Considering there are 113 out of the total 434 properties for sale in Oviedo F
This is the most recent market information for Waterford Lakes Real Estate. Waterford Lakes is located in East Orange County and part of unincorporated Orlando Florida. To date there are currently 4 bank owned homes for sale in Waterford Lakes and there are also 48 short sale opportunities in Wat