Walker Commercial Funding - Brian Walker

Mortgage and Lending - Walker Commercial Funding
All things commercial! US and international
Last week was a great week for us. We are starting to see money flow again. Oddly enough, most of the investors are not US based. We are seeing positive activity from investors in Europe, Russia and China. We even got three casinos approved at 100% LTC. Of course, not all projects will be as prof...
It disgusts me to hear what spews from the mass media conglomerate's news.....if you want to know what is really going on...try these news sources: http://finance.yahoo.com http://online.wsj.com/home-pagewww.cnbc.com http://www.forbes.com
In the recent past, nearly 70% of all commercial appraisals were ordered by the banks that were going to fund the project. Now that banks are absent from the performing funding space, many developers are left with the responsibility of ordering an appraisal. Unfortunately, many of the appraisals...
Weak projects, no matter how great they appear, can turn a funder off if any of the following conditions are present: 1. The project has a funding deadline - a funder would rather take a project that will work if they have to wait for funding. Funders frown on projects that have a deadline. For e...
A  client sent this to me...something circulating around the internet. Please read...it is a perfect analogy...... Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Detroit. She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer afford to patronize her bar. To so...
As many of you know, Walker Commercial Funding works exclusively within the private funding world. All of our projects are funded by private sources and have been since 2006. Unfortunately, some developers still believe they live in the financial world of 2006. To get results, they could put some...
Welcome to 2010, the defacto year of Joint Venture (JV) financing. Institutional financing is not available so developers are looking outside the box to fund their projects. The most common form of favorable financing is JV. This financing comes in more shapes, sizes, and terms than colors of th...
Walker Commercial Funding has recently established new alliances in project funding and the leveraging of operational/active gold mines. If you have one, please contact brian@walkercf.com or (281) 852-9422. And yes, we still have our other programs which can be found at  http://walkercommercialfu...
Happy New Year! I apologize for my absence, but just wanted to let all of you know we are still here and  have weathered the horrendous financing storm of 2009. We have developed strategic alliances with several JV partners. And, true to form, our JV partners bring a lot more than money to the ta...

Brian Walker

local_phone(281) 964-8037
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The truth and real solutions about the commercial lending world....explained by a seasoned professional..Brian Walker