I'm right here in Northwest Arkansas where we got hit pretty hard with ice this week. I know there are a lot of families that have suffered a lot and my heart goes out to them. Fortunately, we were outside of the worst of it. We didn't have any property damage or power outages, we've just had our...
Well you don't actually get more hours, but this will help free hours you already have so it's almost like getting more. I just found out about this new browser from my marketing mentor, Cheryl. The new Flock browser is powered by Mozilla and plugs into all of your social networking sites. It's g...
If you are like me, I'm sure you've read that you should sign up for Google Alerts. And, if you're like me, I'm sure you didn't think much of it (after all, you're BUSY right). Well, one day I had a little time to kill so I signed up - just because I read from sources I trust that I should (thank...