I was recently at a meeting with a large group of Realtors where the invited guest was an attorney. He spoke specifically about real estate agents and brokers responsibilities in conducting a reasonably competent and diligent visual inspection of a property. He spoke about the agent's professiona...
I read today on that Citigroup is preparing a deed in lieu of foreclosure program that could give homeowners an option to stay in their homes as long as 6 months for free in exchange for keeping up the home and handing over the keys with the property in good shape. The program ...
Let's play the blame game. It's simple. I will give you the scenario, you tell me who is to blame. Phil is the selling agent on 123 Street. Suzie is the listing agent on 123 Steet. John is the buyer on 123 Street. John(buyer) calls Phil a year later after buying the house and complains about a w...
We get the question quite often, "Do I need to have the house inspected?" Well, dollars and cents say, "yes", but most importantly common sense says, "yes." Consider this disturbing picture of house with toilet paper roll dispenser built into the shower!!! (along with an electrical outlet, yipes!...
There is no sleeping in and sitting by the fire when it's raining and cold outside for Realtors in Southern California. Realtors are on top of their game making calls and arrangements making sure their listings are safe and secure without major water damage. We have had MANY calls keeping us busy...
I think the ActiveRain gods might be trying to tell us something. What, you are not believer? Well, I have deciphered their ways and have proof that the AR gods are hard at work and they have something to say! I suppose an experience, encounter, article, blog, or random thought can all trigger Ac...
Realtors are losing deals to low appraisals. That is a problem and a fair complaint in considering the argument. Perhaps we need to look more at the root of the problem to determine the solution. Thanks to Active Rain member Diane Osowieki in her blog for directing me to USA Todays recent article...
Lowered expectations. Don't take it as negative statement, that is the just reality of the movement by consumers in today's market. Trends show consumers expect less when purchasing a foreclosure and expect a discounted price to follow. According to a survey done by 65% homebuyers expe...
We knew this was coming, and as it is likely to be just the beginning in response to the continued rise in bank owned properties. We have new disclosures now to be applied to REO properties in California and it will require more from the agents. Bank owned properties (REO's) are usually a haven ...
The showdown: REALTOR® versus real estate agent, you know, the guy with just a real estate license who has not joined the ranks of the ethical elite. Which person is better equipped to represent buyers and sellers in a real estate transaction, the REALTOR® or the person with just a real estate li...