A survey conducted by “Money” magazine and Lowe’s found that out of 21 common projects, energy updates gave DIYers the most satisfaction, given the time and money. Get some satisfaction this week by implementing one or two of these easy energy savers at your Brooklyn home: 1. Add dimmers:
It’s open season on homes for sale in Brooklyn, and no hunting license is needed. You might want to wear bright orange jackets if you’re a seller, though. It’s a buyer’s market and, in this case, you want the house hunters to see you. Now, you can only take the hunting analogy so far; I don’t th
Thanksgiving is coming soon to Homes near you. It may even be coming to your home, bringing friends, family, good food and happy memories. In the midst of all the activity, take time to think about what you’re thankful for this year. The last year has been hard for hundreds of thousands of indi
Should you buy a Brooklyn home for sale? Maybe yes, maybe no. People don’t live in cookie cutter situations; everyone has a unique set of circumstances. For that matter, you may not even need a house. Maybe an apartment is a better fit. Here are four factors to consider before deciding whether
Ask anyone about their experiences with Brooklyn real estate agents, and you will no doubt hear a variety of responses. This is why there are so many myths about agents circulating. A good real estate agent is worth every penny you spend for their expertise. Let’s examine some popular myths about
Buying a new home takes a lot of preparation. Without knowing what you are walking in to, you are bound to run into road blocks. A good Brooklyn real estate agent can help you understand the intricacies involved in purchasing your new home. Some of the most common problems that buyers run into a
The temperature is starting to drop, leaves are beginning to fall and autumn is getting closer. For those with Brooklyn homes for sale, this is a good time to make sure all your t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted. Why? Fall brings nostalgia for most people across the United States. Between Hallo
As Halloween draws closer, celebrators everywhere are beginning to decorate their Brooklyn homes with pumpkins. Unfortunately, by the time the actual holiday is here, many of the jack-o-lanterns will be rotting away - poor remnants of the original carving. If you'd like to keep your carved pum
View RSS feed close [x] Leaves are starting to change color, nights are getting cooler and pumpkins are appearing on porches of Brooklyn homes. All signs that fall is here. That means it’s time to do fall preventative maintenance on all Brooklyn homes. To help you get started, here’s a quick c
It’s a war out there. If you’re still sitting in your robe and slippers, sipping a cup o’ joe while you casually read the Sunday comics – with the absolute knowledge that your house is going to sell – you haven’t been paying attention. The percentage of Brooklyn homes for sale versus qualified p