Morris Massre's (browardrentalking) Blog

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Doesn't matter.  The first was probably invented for all who have a problem with its pronunciaiton.  The latter is the original, however.  You have to reach down from the bottom of your throat to get it out though.  Takes a lot of practice. Leave it up to Adam Sandler though to bring attention to...
  I kind of feel like Adam Sandler today.  I'm going through all of today's featured blogs and to my astonishment, no Hanukkah wishes.  Amazing.  Yet all of these blogs are featured.  I have nothing against Christmas.  In fact, almost all of my friends are Christian and I wish them and all of you...
After Five years in this miserable housing market I am starting to think that maybe we should change the name of home ownership from the American Dream to something more palatable?  Surely there must be a better term for something so difficult to own?  I understand that owning a home these days i...
Use of the word ignorant is applicable here because those are usually the types of tenants who give landlords a hard time.  Yes, they like to think they know everything and they have all kinds of rights, etc., but most have no idea.  My case in point is a tenant I am dealing with now for a home I...
The Research Institute for Housing America recently put together a 62 page special report on strategic default in the context of a social network.  The study likens the current housing market of strategic default to an epidemic spread like a disease via social media networking sites.  Susceptibil...
After viewing so many people in South Florida simply allowing themselves to go into foreclosure I have come to conclusion that many of these people that are underwater ignore what is happening to them and hope that it just goes away.  Well, I got news for you all that think this way, it doesn't. ...
Weston, Florida is holding steadfast in the real estate world these days compared to the rest of the state. Everyone seems to have a fascination with this city, and for good reason. The schools are superb, the roadways and landscaping are first class, the crime is low, and the city is known for i...

Morris Massre

Real Estate Instructor Broward County Florida
smartphone(954) 744-2449
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