West Lafayette Homes for sale

Real Estate Agent - Keller Williams Realty Lafayette/West Lafayette, Indiana
    The Bombing of Canada and the Continental United States from Japan          ( Not the V weapon;  think the B weapon, but without engines)          BALLOONS 2.0 :  Trans Pacific balloons using the jet stream from Asia overflying US and Canadian airspace is nothing new, and what you are about ...
 My 5  P.M.  appointment was an Exotic Septuagenarian, and did she ever take me for a ride.     My recent 5 PM appointment was a brief break from real estate as the Collings Foundation stopped off at the Purdue University Airport in West Lafayette, Indiana to give the community a chance to view a...
 DOG GONE IT!  Where do I vote in Lafayette, West Lafayette, or Tippecanoe County for the upcoming May 3, 2016 Primary Election??? Want to keep Tippecanoe County GREAT???  Don't forget to do your civic duty and take the time to check out the candidates for the upcoming Indiana primary election on...
Although the thermometer read 45 it was a 1,500 Degree day in West Lafayette !!!! Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana awarded over 1,500 diplomas in graduation ceremonies this past Sunday, and my daughter Janelle was one of the graduates earning her Bachelor of Science Degree in the Coll...
 The story BEHIND my wallpaper . . .    Ever being afraid of copyright violations my cell phone wallpaper is a shot of my wife's cell phone  that I took for a post I did two years ago entitled, An Active Rain Blogger called me, BUTT . . .  I could say that it is a constant reminder that my wife S...
 Does your Lafayette, Indiana lender answer their phone after 5 PM, or on weekends? In the fast paced world of real estate how many times do real estate agents need a lender to adjust the price down on a pre-qualification letter for their buyer as they are writing an offer at 9 PM at night so the...
  Magnanimous in Victory 70 Years Ago Today  General Douglas MacArthur signs the instrument of surrender ending the war in the Pacific against Japan.  World War II ended 70 years ago today with the signing of the instrument of surrender on the quarterdeck of the battleship Missouri as General Dou...
  Happy Trails to the Lafayette, Indiana area Girl Scouts and the Camp Sycamore Valley Girl Scout Camp!  One of the joys of teaching and coaching for over 30 years at the high school level was an unending cycle of giving back to the community way beyond the hours of the school day. Keller William...
Detained by the Police for DWR:  DRIVING WHILE a REALTOR® It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and I was dozing off on the sofa after an eventful drive through an upscale  neighborhood on a private drive in rural Lafayette, Indiana after viewing surrounding homes for a possible upcoming listing.  I wa...
  You know you are from  Lafayette, Indiana when:  The premier GATED COMMUNITY in Tippecanoe County only allows visitors on Sunday afternoon.   As far as I know the Tippecanoe County jail is our only true 100% gated community in the Greater Lafayette area.  In a way that is a compliment to our co...

Bruce Walter

smartphone(765) 418-1886
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