William's Minnesota Blog...with a smile!

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - WHISPERING PINES REALTY - 20398180



WE have had an unusual visitor to our bird feeders. This is a Pine Grosbeak and it is more Native to Alaska and Canada.  It seldom ventures south very far so I have no idea as to why they are here. They are also a bit curious and somewhat tame allowing me to within 10-12 feet before taking flight...
My wife and I stopped by a little shop in Askov, Minnesota.  Lena's Gifts and Garden center. It had been several years since we took the time.  It was well worth it. Lena's, as her name indicates, specializes in Scandinavian gifts. There are an array of gifts for both men and women. Woven plastic...
I blogged before about the complete funding cut for the North Branch/Chisago County Minnesota senior center. The workers for the center have done a lot of fund raising over the years, and now the county and city say they will not fund the center. This center is not only for the seniors, but for t...
Not talking about  homes. I am talking about stocks.  I remember the hype when the market fell.  SELL before it is ll gone.  You will never get it back!" Many people fell for this scare and people sold and people lost.  It has been a long road.   But as I look at my investments I find that I am b...
This new virus strain is hitting the Nation and experts say there is very little you can do. Hand sanitizers will NOT kill it.  Basically...other than BLEACH...it is one tough bug to beat. Washing hands is still very important, but it needs to be more than 30 seconds and under the nails also. Thi...
For some of you, you may think I am crazy.  But, the snow is a welcome sight over what we were supposed to get. FREEZING RAIN! It started to drizzle for about 10 min and then turned to snow.  It is so nice to have the snow without the ice under it. I know that southern Minnesota had a fair amount...
Some of my favorite clients are elderly. There is no guessing where they stand.  I have blogged about this before. I met some NEW friends today.   Yes clients, but they are much more.  I told my wife that this 2 hour listing would take at least 3.  It took 4 1/2 hours. I got some great insight of...
Many people here in the Rain know that I heat with wood.  I use less than 500 gallons of propane a year and most of the is for cooking, water heater and clothes dryer. People tell me I am crazy...that's to much work. Well, it is hard work, but I don't look at it that way.   I look at it as making...
The cold that we have not seen in several years has hit our shipping very hard. Companies that ship with barges on the Mississippi River have been hit the hardest. The river has frozen over with ice that is to thick for normal barge traffic to break through. This is causing a back log of goods be...
Yes at least in Minnesota, hospitalizations are down dramatically. Now, that being said, it doesn't mean we should be stupid and abandon all the safety practices we have put in place. There are a lot of viruses and other problems that good hygiene can help prevent, so when you local media station...

William Feela

Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
local_phone(651) 674-7449
smartphone(651) 674-5999
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Buying Real Estate should be fun...if you are looking in Chisago and Pine counties or anywhere in Minnesota, call me and let me show you that Buying a home is not all pain.