William's Minnesota Blog...with a smile!

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - WHISPERING PINES REALTY - 20398180



In today's world we are stressed to the limit often. Stress is the one thing that can do you in quickly. Learning how to tell if you are stressed out is the first step in controlling it. I have included a test here. Look at the picture...You should see 2 dolphins jumping out of the water. If you ...
Opportunity comes along only once in a while. You need to be ready to take advantage of that. Being asleep at the wheel when you chance comes along means you could miss the boat on the chance of a lifetime. You need to take stock of yourself and ask Am I ready for that chance. 
The nights come early during the winter in Minnesota. I can only watch the boob tube for so long. I love to readbut it puts me to sleep. So I do a lot of Jig Saw puzzles. A 1000 piece puzzle  takes about 8-10 hours. I have done puzzles others have not been about to in weeks and have it done in 3 ...
I have blogged this one before. But with the cold the entire country has been having I thought bringing it back for one more round was inn order. Although the photo show -11, it has been much colder here.  -29 last night in my thermometer. But, if we don't laugh at a few things with this weather ...
Ever notice that when something gets to be short on supply, a related product will automatically become more scarce. Take the propane shortage in the upper midwest. 3 weeks ago I paid $1.79 a gallon for my propane.  Today, I check and it is $4.89 a gallon. Last Friday, Natural gas all of a sudden...
Vern makes some great points.  I wonder why the media is picking on the farmers. Could it be that the Propane industry has told them to put a lid on the true problems? This reeks of similarities of the oil embargo's and other shortages we have seen. Why can't we get fair media reporting?   It is ...
This morning after 4-5 inch snowfall, I was heading into town. I came upon a car that had slide just off the should of the road. I could see someone standing outside the car. I pulled over to help.  Here was a young lady, dressed in a light jacket, skirt and high heels. I told her I could get her...
David hits upon a great part of our lives.  Happiness.  This is one way that you can make your life better in more than one way. Our health is very important  and plants can help 2 parts.  Our physical and our mental. Not every one can have a dozen plants, but even a couple is a benefit. Housepla...
I have been asked this by people I know or have met from the south. It is hard to explain, but one example is at -25 you can take a cup of boiling water and throw it into the cold air  and it will turn to snow. So how cold is -30? A farmer friend of mine told me that the morning when it was -30 t...
Yes, the fever has hit Minnesota and many of the surrounding states. I won't say it is contagious, but it is spreading wildly. It doesn't need physical contact to spread...just isolation. It hits the shut ins that are older and hard to get around. Low light causes the claustrophobic feelings. It ...

William Feela

Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
local_phone(651) 674-7449
smartphone(651) 674-5999
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Buying Real Estate should be fun...if you are looking in Chisago and Pine counties or anywhere in Minnesota, call me and let me show you that Buying a home is not all pain.