William's Minnesota Blog...with a smile!

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - WHISPERING PINES REALTY - 20398180



Yes it is true. My wife is like an old car.Late summer she had some major dental work.Next in November she had complete knee surgery.Today she had catarac surgery in the first eye.In a  couple of weeks she will have the other one done.Next it will be the bunions and hammer toes. (By her admission...
There are a lot of activities going on.Many require some degree of cold.  Ice and snow sculptures for one.But I hear many complaining about what their next heating bill will be like.Some got an extra day off.  Kids are off of school so it becomes a family day.Others complain that they lose some p...
Well, per scientist the polar vortex  is here.And it is here to stay in a way.Scientists say we should get used to these temps.Makes me wonder about the global warming then.Who should we believe? The scientists who can't predict yesterday's weather...Or...Al Gore? I guess it is a flip of the coin. 
It is turning cold here in Minnesota.Some of the coldest temps in many years.Even with Propane at a low price I am still savingover $1000 a month.Yes, I spend a lot of time in the woods, but I don't needto spend money on a health club! Bring on the cold!    
I'm dreaming of a...Spring Flower!Yes, I don't mind the cold and snow but...I am looking forward to spring and soft water fishing.I may be dreaming early but why not.Gives me something to look forward to.  So, back to shoveling the new snow and I can dream another. 
It can't be said enough...Take care of the outside pets and farm animals.One area that people have a misconception is water.Water is very important for pets to stay warm.  (goes for people also)Some say they can eat snow. Yes, but the body has to warm that snow and there is very little moisturein...
It was a mere -15 last night about midnight when I wentoutside to fire up my wood boiler.And, per the weather forecast we are to see more of this for the next week.National weather service is saying the upper midwest will see thecoldest temps in 2 years. So it can't be all that bad.I remember muc...
Let's try this again...WE are being told that the real winter cold is on it's way.Highs in the low to middle teens...BELOW ZERO! It is time to fill the gas tanks.Check out our pets  that are outside. And  most important it is to have your furnace checked out if you have not done so yet this seaso...
Most all of us has seen this or had it happen to us. We are rolling along the blvd when...Bubble gum lights in the rear view. Right away we try and have a good excuse, of which is  usually ignored. But most likely it is to no avail. But I still say...    

William Feela

Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
local_phone(651) 674-7449
smartphone(651) 674-5999
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