William's Minnesota Blog...with a smile!

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - WHISPERING PINES REALTY - 20398180
You are driving down the road and the guy coming towards you has High Beams on.What do you do?1) Flash your lights at them2) turn on your high beams and leave them on3) Don't look directly at the on coming lights and concentrate on the solid fog line. In Minnesota, the last is the right answer.Yo...
A record day for North Branch, Mn.The National Weather service we were 6 degrees higherthan ever on this date.It is great for some things.I helped to melt the ice on side walks and roads.But for those who enjoy the snow, this is terrible. but like it has been said, you can please all the people s...
I think most of us do this.An issue comes up and we are out and about and talking to ourselves.I know that I am. Talking things out can help solve issues.I have found that doing this let's me calmly work through options. Some may think I am crazy...they would most likely be right!     
Are you feeding the birds?If you are, Why?The birds can find their own food...most of the time.Freezing rain does make it harder for them. There are many reasons for feeding the birds.One, people think they will starve if they dont' feed them. Some just like to see birds, any birds.Others as myse...
I live a life that is full of fun and humor.So when I see movies that are just some horror flickI stay away.I have had enough horror in my life.I don't understand paying money to get scared.But, they do prime the pump of the economy.For me, I will continue to laugh in my life.       
Some people ask me why they don't see me on face bookor one of the other sites.And it is really is very simple.All the negative talk and bashing, I just have enough to worry about.I am a positive person and I don't need the negative creeping into my life.So here is a good thought.    
The ice may not be safe.Depending on how you get on the ice.It is said that the ice is NEVER safe.That the thickness can vary a lot.Today, 2 vehicles, a car and a  4 wheeler fell through the ice.Both on the same lake.They fell through in the same area they had been driving on a few days  ago.Ice ...
Well as it turns out, we got some of the worst of the Storm.Warm and slushy turns into ice and cold.Anything that is usually cleared by shovel will wait for a few days.It has turned to ice under all of the slush.And I for one should gave remembered what happens.But, in a few days I will have my d...
Yes, we dodged the bullet.The storm went north of us.We got a mixture of snow and rain.Made for a slushy mess, but not hard to dig out of.We needed some ground cover and that is what we got.Now a little sun to clear the roads once again!
Every morning we have a visitor.Sparky as I call him, waits every morning for his peanuts.The first thing I do in the morning is to throw out a few in the shell peanuts.When I am a short distance away, Sparky comes down and gathers  a few up and runs for his nest.Yes, some times these varmints ar...

William Feela

Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
local_phone(651) 674-7449
smartphone(651) 674-5999
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Buying Real Estate should be fun...if you are looking in Chisago and Pine counties or anywhere in Minnesota, call me and let me show you that Buying a home is not all pain.