William's Minnesota Blog...with a smile!

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - WHISPERING PINES REALTY - 20398180
The storm has arrived and will be around for a couple of days.We will finally get a bit of snow.This is good as it will keep things from freezing.Snow is a great insulator.People may complain about it, but, we need this insulator.And some people need the work of removing the snow.  That is their ...
All was going well.Contract was signed and loan moving forward.Then last week, the call came.DECLINED!!!WHAT? Every thing was perfect when we got them qualified with scores over 700.Turns out, somehow their on-line banking got hacked!It was hacked through a personal on-line account and no the ban...
A guy walks into a pet store looking for a companion pet.The owner shows him a singing parrot." Not quite what I was thinking, but show me.""This bird sings Christmas carols. His Name is Chester. Watch."The owner lit a match and held it below the right foot of the parrot.The Parrot start to sing ...
Well it is now winter.So today I took a nap.  Not a long one.Just a short clean the headache out nap. I fell asleep and started to dream.I awoke a while later and I was excited...SPRING was here!!!I go up and looked outside and snow flakes were falling.While not a nightmare, it was a bit disappoi...
Well, once again we see a government shut down.Many of the days no one would have worked anyway.But that is not the point.These people are supposed to look out for our best interests.I don't see that very often but I think it has to do with where their heads are...      
No that is not a backwards HO HO!No, the weatherman is predicting a huge storm, maybe a blizzard.As we know they seem to call wold a lot, but they have been right on so far. So for those traveling, especially by car, take extra precautions.Be careful and be safe!! 
A rural Minnesota home on acreage.120 acres to hunt with a smll river to do some fishing and or trapping.This rustic modern home is waiting fo the person or persons tht want to get away from the real hustle and busle ofcity life.Home is owned by a relative.Very well taken care of. Contact me for ...
Well, Democracy is lead by the majority.  Or is it.WE hear more and more some minority group winning what they want, and i am not talking aboutdiscrimination.My nephew was telling me tonight that they are not allowed to wish anyone Merry Christmas.It supposedly offended a couple people who are no...
It is an stressful time of the year for many reasons.The stress has people all cranky.Shopping people are pushing others to get through.And every where you look people skowl at each other. Now, one thing that can help some is smile.smile at someone and watch it come back to you...most of the time...

William Feela

Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
local_phone(651) 674-7449
smartphone(651) 674-5999
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Buying Real Estate should be fun...if you are looking in Chisago and Pine counties or anywhere in Minnesota, call me and let me show you that Buying a home is not all pain.