TODAY TOPIC FOR MINDSET CALL: "4 Powerful Questions". Join us Today, as we start fresh with an opportunity of a new day at 815 am EST. Christian Tiessen will be leading Today. Click the link below to register today so you are already for our next call! Thanks so much and can't wait to talk soon.
TODAY TOPIC FOR MINDSET CALL: "What You Put In Your Body Is Good For Your Business.". Join us Today as we start fresh with an opportunity of a new day at 815am EST.Click the link below to register today so you are already for our next call! Thanks so much and can't wait to talk soon.www.brockzeva
Double Session Tuesday Join us at 7:30am EST on our Prayer call TOPIC FOR PRAYER CALL: "Trouble...Turn To God" Dial in Number 9789905250 Access code to enter #8122931 TODAY TOPIC FOR MINDSET CALL: "What you repeat you reinforce" Join us Today as we start fresh with an opportunity of a new day at