Bargain mortgage rates are the latest sales strategy from builders struggling to sell homes. As mortgage rates fal to near historic lows, lowest since 1956, home buyers are looking for ways to get the buyer in the door. The latest sales promotion: Lennar Corp is offering is a fixed 3.625% rate ov
A housing law that President Obama signed last week will help protect renters for awhile after their landlords have been foreclosed on. The law will allow tenants to remain in the home 90 days after their lease is up before being forced to vacate by the lender. Renters without a lease will get 90
Falling home prices have lead buyers thinking they can hold on to a home for a couple of years and turn out to make a profit when they sell again. In most US cities your better off buying a home now than waiting to find rock bottom, you won't know until the money already on the uprise and then it