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Real Estate Agent - Florida Future Realty, Inc. - BK3071625
Licensed Real Estate Broker, Susan Milner shares her knowledge & opinions on real estate. Having lived in Cape Coral over 20 years she puts emphasis on that area. Susan holds GRI, e-PRO, SFR & CDPE designations & is a proud member of the National Association of REALTORS.
Is The Lee County Rocket Docket Over?The previous ‘rocket docket’ is said to be over in Lee County, Florida. What is this Rocket Docket?Over the past couple of years the civil courts of Lee County have been handling foreclosure files quickly or also known as the ‘rocket docket’. The idea was to p...
  Cape Coral Florida offers wonderful gulf access homes and communities. In the first quarter alone we noticed an upswing in the amount of higher end homes sellling in Cape Coral, Florida. Comparing the figues to our first quarter of 2010 we see that properties over $500,000 in Cape Coral went f...
Judging a book by its you wish to be perceived as a DEVIL or an ANGEL?We were told as children and growing up to NOT judge a book by its cover. However in life we judge books by their cover ALL of the time. And if you don’t believe that your customers are judging you by your cover you ...
Hey there friends! I wanted to create a video to show prospective customers who is actually behind Florida Future Realty, Inc. I think transparency is important in today's real estate market and we've always tried to convey that. I have several videos online and have been working on them for quit...
We spent our Sunday afternoon on Captiva Island, Florida  Mid 70s, light breeze, beautiful beaches, tons of shells...need I say more?  
LinksCape Coral Real Estate CareerDescriptionReal Estate Agents, Are YOU Rockin' the New Year? We are & we’re busy!!! Whether you are a new or experienced real estate agent we have plans for you! For new agents we offer 1 of 2 options: Full time agents who have the money to get started now: Start...
Cape Coral short sales are still abundant in and around Cape Coral, Florida. I've been personally handling short sales in SW Florida since the end of 2006. Anyone in our area who claims to have been handling them prior to that timeframe is full of it. Why? Well because in the early 2000s everythi...
  Could you buy again in 6 short months from completing a Cape Coral short sale? Maybe. Read below how one family did just that. The guidelines are fairly strict but if you make the decision to do a short sale before you go into default and if you maintain your other good credit this could be pos...
Are you looking to purchase a HUD home in Cape Coral or Ft Myers Florida? We can help! Here are some quick tips to assist you with the bidding and purchasing procedures for HUD homes. HUD home bids must be submitted online by a HUD registered broker or one of their licensed real estate agents. Ou...
Is a Short Sale Right for YOU?   Have you fallen behind on your current mortgage?  Have you tried loan modifications without success?  Have you considered a deed in lieu?  If you have answered yes to any of these questions, a short sale may be the answer you are looking for. We have successfully ...

Susan Milner

Cape Coral Real Estate Broker, FloridaFutureAgents
local_phone(239) 542-8521
smartphone(239) 218-2229
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Licensed Real Esate Broker, Susan Milner shares her knowledge & opinions on real estate. Having lived in Cape Coral over 20 years she puts emphasis on that area. Susan holds GRI, CDPE, SFR & e-PRO designations & is a proud member of the National Association of REALTORS.

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