I do understand the need for attorneys but not for every closing. Just closed on a beautiful home with buyers from out of state. It was cash. The Title Company, Best Title Solutions, Cape Coral, Fl. as usual did a fantastic job of making sure all the paperwork was in tact and that clear title was
Congrats Cape Coral. We moved to Cape Coral in 1992 and the low crime rate was on the top of the list for good reasons to move to a community. The Cape has had some growing pains and continues that struggle but the bottom line is we live in Paradise. It’s nice to know the safety is still very go
I have heard some silly voicemails, but this? Come on! Sometimes we struggle for respect in our business. There are agents that bring it on themselves. We took extensive licensing courses where we learned that this is a serious profession. I pride myself on a high level of professionalism. Afte
I don't get it. I have a condo in Cape Coral that is going to the court house steps next week. They are in a great area.The price is under $70k; only a couple of years old. They don't have defective drywall. The complex has a pool and the complex is located in a high end neighborhood. Yet, even
I had an eye opening 4th of July. One of my friends asked if I had seen the Forbes article on where the wealthy were moving? I said no. She said the rich are moving to Lee County and Collier county. WOW! I decided to do my own research and checked out how many over $1,000,000 homes have sold in t
We are finally warm but we seemed to skip past spring. We went from the longest, coldest winter in many, many years to hot. Weird weather. Just no easying into summer. It seems to be here. Ok, Let's go to the beach. Gators are on the move looking for love. The birds are on the move.
It was another success dispite the cold. Sat. had few customers due to the cold and rain. Sunday brought everyone out. It worked. Great day and I had my yearly Little Joe's Chees Steak. It is fabulous. Besides the food the idea is the art. As usual the artist had beautiful displays. It seemed t
We bundled up and were complaining like crazy, but we are in SW Florida and we are not supposed to have a freeze. Then we had days of the same. I've been here for 17 years and have never seen weather like this. Well, the frost has done some heavey damage. All the leaves fell off my boganvelia
The mortgage crisis is still a nightmare. As a real estate agent for 29 years I try not to have surprises for my customers but, it seems that this market keeps them coming. My client was putting down $90,000 on a $134,000 home. Wouldn’t anyone think that was a slam dunk? Wrong: Turned down b
I just received another call from a buyer prospect looking for the listing agent. The OLD story of I will save money with the listing agent is really so laughable. Buyers, PAY ATTENTION! Many of the REO (Bank owned property ) listing agents don't work with buyers. They don't have time. They