Carie Shapiro's Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - North Shore Suburbs & Chicago Real Estate



Many years ago, I frequently had visions of purchasing my own home.  Why?  One word:  Laundry.  Specifically, I looked forward to the day when I could live the American Dream while simultaneously ditching the dreaded, obligatory, rental-community laundry rooms. This morning, after tackling my fif...
It’s 7:32 a.m., and after a quick hug and kiss, I wink to my mother as she's taken into the operating room.  Thankfully, my mom’s condition is not life threatening, and although her surgery has potential risks involved, I’m confident she will come through with 'flying colors.'  My mom is a tough ...
"Aren't you supposed to look like your profile photo?" was my response while chatting with a colleague recently.  While sipping our coffees, we confessed that we both had a penchant for photo editing software, and then proceeded to share examples of our mutual photo tweaking expertise.  Yet, eve...
As a licensed, Illinois Real Estate Instructor, I am also a member of AIREE - Association of Illinois Real Estate Educators.  Today, I received an email describing a potential scam in the making and consequently, I felt compelled to share the information with all of you. Apparently, the Illinois ...
The Dallas ActiveRain Spring Meetup was held this afternoon.  Lorrie Semler, our gracious hostess, planned the Meetup in conjunction with a monthly, Dallas Real Estate Networking Luncheon, organized by Bob McCranie.  Besides Lorrie & Bob, other ActiveRainers in attendance included Sharon Parisi, ...
When I was a little girl, I used to get separated from my mom all the time while she shopped in the department store.  Bored, curious, and looking for adventure, I would regularly wander off in an effort to explore areas more appealing to a child my age.  Eventually, a store employee would notice...
I've always said that watching a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field should be on everyone's "Bucket List."  Aside from Fenway Park in Boston, Wrigley Field -- nearing its 100th birthday -- is the only other "true" remaining ballpark used in the Major Leagues.  Being a native Chicagoan, I've atten...
Here's A Branding Idea For You Do you have a nickname?  Over the years, we’ve all met people named “Skip” or “Bubba” or “Pinky” – individuals who inherit clever nicknames that seemingly follow them through life.  Recently, I met one such person named "Pepper.”  Answering to "Pepper" since childho...

Carie Shapiro

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